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Temps | Forme |
Infinitif | to frog-march \ˈfrɒɡ.mɑːtʃ\ ou \ˈfrɑːɡ.mɑːrtʃ\ |
Présent simple, 3e pers. sing. |
frog-marches \ˈfrɒɡ.mɑːtʃ.ɪz\ ou \ˈfrɑːɡ.mɑːrtʃ.ɪz\ |
Prétérit | frog-marched \ˈfrɒɡ.mɑːtʃt\ ou \ˈfrɑːɡ.mɑːrtʃt\ |
Participe passé | frog-marched \ˈfrɒɡ.mɑːtʃt\ ou \ˈfrɑːɡ.mɑːrtʃt\ |
Participe présent | frog-marching \ˈfrɒɡ.mɑːtʃ.ɪŋ\ ou \ˈfrɑːɡ.mɑːrtʃ.ɪŋ\ |
voir conjugaison anglaise |
frog-march (Royaume-Uni) \ˈfrɒɡ.mɑːtʃ\ ou (États-Unis) \ˈfrɒɡ.mɑːtʃ\ transitif
Any arrests were to result in immediate handcuffing for safety reasons, and we would frog-march them down to Digbeth Police Station as fast as we could, which would be quicker than waiting for a patrol car.— (Mike Lockley, How tribal tensions between bikers, skinheads & punks caused anarchy in the Bull Ring, Birmingham Mail, 18/08/2019 → lire en ligne)
All around them, Americans of Japanese origin or ancestry are being frog-marched by armed soldiers.— (Sean T. Collins, The Terror: Infamy's second episode is a long march across thin ice, AV Club, 19/08/2019 → lire en ligne)
Singulier | Pluriel |
frog-march \ˈfrɒɡ.mɑːtʃ\ ou \ˈfrɑːɡ.mɑːrtʃ\ |
frog-marches \ˈfrɒɡ.mɑːtʃ.ɪz\ ou \ˈfrɑːɡ.mɑːrtʃ.ɪz\ |
frog-march (Royaume-Uni) \ˈfrɒɡ.mɑːtʃ\ ou (États-Unis) \ˈfrɒɡ.mɑːtʃ\