Bonjour, vous êtes venu ici pour chercher la signification du mot portmanteau word. Dans DICTIOUS, vous trouverez non seulement toutes les significations du dictionnaire pour le mot portmanteau word, mais vous apprendrez également son étymologie, ses caractéristiques et comment dire portmanteau word au singulier et au pluriel. Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur le mot portmanteau word est ici. La définition du mot portmanteau word vous aidera à être plus précis et correct lorsque vous parlerez ou écrirez vos textes. Connaître la définition deportmanteau word, ainsi que celles d'autres mots, enrichit votre vocabulaire et vous fournit des ressources linguistiques plus nombreuses et de meilleure qualité.
“Well, ‘slithy’ means ‘lithe and slimy.’ ‘Lithe’ is the same as ‘active.’ You see it’s like a portmanteau—there are two meanings packed into one word.”
“Infectagious” was the word she used; and without ever having followed “Alice” through the looking-glass, she had made this portmanteau word for herself, by mingling together infectious and contagious.— (Annette Lyster, Ralph Trulock’s Christmas Roses, 1882)
Blend-words, amalgams, or fusions, may be defined as two or more words, often of cognate sense, telescoped as it were into one; as factitious conflations which retain, for a while at least, the suggestive power of their various elements. Probably they are best known to the general public, not through discussion by professional linguists, but through the “portmanteau words”, i. e., “words into which two meanings are packed as in a portmanteau”, of a passage in Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass.— (Louise Pound, Blends, their relation to English word formation, 1914)