to be born; to give birth; life to be born; to give birth; life; to grow; student; raw |
char siu; barbecued pork; chance | good; well; be fond of | to cross; to go over; (experienced action marker) to cross; to go over; (experienced action marker); to pass; to celebrate; to live; to get along; excessively; too- |
to be born; to give birth; life to be born; to give birth; life; to grow; student; raw |
you | |||
trad. (生嚿叉燒好過生你) | 生 | 嚿 | 叉燒 | 好 | 過 | 生 | 你 | |
simp. (生嚿叉烧好过生你) | 生 | 嚿 | 叉烧 | 好 | 过 | 生 | 你 | |
Literally: “giving birth to a piece of char siu is better than giving birth to you”. |
A piece of barbecued pork is more useful than the child in question because at least the barbecued pork can be eaten.