The Dungeons & Dragons franchise comprises the roleplaying game published by Wizards of the Coast and related products. ankheg[talk][citations] (noun)...
darker colour meanings. There is some interference from دَيْمَاس (daymās, “dungeon; mattamore; latibulum”), compare the development of denominal verbs from...
MOTD: Message of the day MTFBWY: May The Force be with you MUD: Multi-User Dungeon MUSH: Multi-User Shared Hallucination MYOB: Mind your own business M8:...
dominate, dominical, dominie, dominion, domino, domino, don, Donna, duende, dungeon, madam, Madame, Mademoiselle, madonna, predominate domus "a farmstead with...
port. hold, stronghold, fastness; asylum &c. (refuge) 666; keep, donjon, dungeon, fortress, citadel, capitol, castle; tower of strength, tower of strength;...
hellish, infernal, stygian. Phr. dies irae dies illa[Lat]; "the hue of dungeons and the scowl of night" [Love's Labor's Lost]. [Religious Knowledge.] N...
ditch, dive, doghouse, donga, donjon, draw, drawback, drill, dugout, dump, dungeon, earth, empierce, emplacement, empty space, enclosed space, error, excavation...
disallow, discourage, do justice to, dompt, donate, donjon, dress ship, dungeon, dwell, dwell on, dwell upon, economic support, embosom, embrace, encage...
shintiyan, shorts, slacks, smallclothes, tights, trews, trunks, tweeds, whites dungeon, POW camp, bastille, black hole, borstal, borstal institution, bridewell...
court, cupola, curl upwards, defender, derrick, develop, dome, donjon, dungeon, edifice, erection, establishment, exceed, fabric, fasthold, fastness,...