Jeikó word list:
The only extant documentation is that of a 67-word list from the 19th century in von Martius (1867, v. 2, p. 143):[1] The full Geicó word list from von Martius (1867), with both the original Latin glosses and translated English glosses, is reproduced below.
Latin gloss (original) | English gloss (translated) | Geicó |
aethiopissa | black woman | tacayo |
asso, are | roast | tiloschung |
audio, ire | hear | uschiegkó |
auris | ear | aischeroh |
avunculus | uncle | iquaté |
brachium | arm | aepang |
brevis, e | short | nohtutudäng |
calidus, a, um | hot | ijahú |
capillus | hair | grangsché |
caput | head | grangblá |
coelum | sky | maecó |
collum | neck | aepurgó |
costa | rib | aemantaelä |
dens | tooth | ayanté |
diabolus | devil | pocklaeschü aqälé |
dies | day | fipiaco |
digitus | finger | aenaenongklang |
domus | house | y(l)rouró |
dormio, ire | sleep | uhliong |
edo, ere | eat | tiqua |
femur | thigh | aecroh |
filia | daughter | scharrepiú |
filius | son | scharrété |
foedus, a, um | treaty | nohmĕlĕniheh |
folium | leaf | arandische |
frigidus a, um | cold | ohntü(hl) |
homo albus | white man | tipiaeung |
homo niger | black man | tickah |
ignis | fire | ping |
juvenis | young | oopáung |
lavo, are | wash | namblú |
lingua | tongue | aenettá |
longus, a, um | long | nohriähniheng |
luna | moon | paang |
macer, a, um | thin (person) | nohnpütü(hl) |
mamma | mother | aejussi |
manus | hand | aenaenong |
mater | mother | ná |
membr. vir. | man, male | aereng |
membr. mul. | woman, female | aeoaénū |
morior | die | nong(e)roh |
nasus | nose | aenecopiöh |
nox | night | coco |
occido | fall | tiuing |
oculus | eye | alepuh |
os, oris | mouth | aingko |
paler | stick | já |
patera cucurbitina | gourd bowl | ae(e)rû |
pectus | breast | aejussi |
pes | foot | aepähno |
pinguis, e | fat (adj.) | nohtŏnĭheh |
puella | girl | juckqué |
pulcher, a, um | beautiful | nohr(l)äniheh |
ramus | branch | arandische |
semiaethiops (mulatto) | mulatto | mandattú |
sol | sun | chügkrá |
soror | sister | nempiaepiú |
stella | star | bräcklüh |
sylva | forest | oütü |
tabacum | tobacco | pâeih |
terra | earth | chgkü |
trulla | ladle | cărá |
venter | belly | aepu |
ventus | wind | ongkthü |
video, ere | see | u(l)epú |
umbilicus | navel | aequakrüng |
unguis | fingernail | aenaenongsiaé |