The Proto-Austronesian reconstructions in this appendix are from the Austronesian Comparative Dictionary by Blust & Trussel (2020).[1]
Note that infixes are enclosed by <>.
No. | Proto-Austronesian | Gloss |
10 | *aba₁ | father |
25 | *aCab | a cover |
26 | *aCas | high, tall |
28 | *i aCas | above, on top |
33 | *aCay | death |
35 | *ka-aCay | kill (?) |
36 | *ka-aCay-an | lose someone through death (?) |
37 | *ma-aCay | die; dead; eclipse of sun or moon |
55 | *pa-aCay | kill |
59 | *p-aCay-en | be killed |
60 | *pa-p-aCay | kill |
64 | *m<in>aCay | burial ground (?) |
72 | *naRa | to wait |
83 | *ai₂ | interjection, exclamation of surprise, incredulity, etc. |
90 | *aku | 1sg nominative; I |
92 | *k-aku | 1sg oblique: to me, for me |
96 | *alap | fetch, get, take |
99 | *ma-alap | be taken |
104 | *in-alap | that which has been taken; was taken by |
108 | *alaq₁ | fetch, get, take |
113 | *um-alaq | fetch, get, take |
114 | *alaq-en | be taken |
118 | *ala | take, get, fetch, obtain; marry |
126 | *aluja | to paddle |
127 | *pa-aluja | to paddle |
134 | *amax | father |
135 | *da-amax | father |
136 | *maR-amax | to be father and child |
137 | *si amax | father (ref.) |
138 | *ta-amax | father (ref.) |
180 | *amin | all; finished |
183 | *aNak | child, offspring; son, daughter; interest on a loan |
186 | *aN-aNak | child |
192 | *ma-anak | (gloss uncertain) |
199 | *maRe-anak | parent and child |
234 | *aNay | insect of the order Isoptera: termite, white ant |
254 | *-an | verbal suffix marking locative voice; nominal suffix marking location |
272 | *apuR | betel chew |
273 | *apu | grandparent/grandchild (reciprocal) |
297 | *aRi | come; toward the speaker; let’s go! |
299 | *um-aRi | to come |
305 | *asa₁ | one |
320 | *asu₁ | dog |
333 | *ata | 1pl. incl. possessive pronoun: our |
351 | *au₂ | yes |
369 | *aya₁ | exclamation of annoyance, surprise, etc. |
370 | *aya₂ | (gloss uncertain) |
381 | *a₄ | hesitation particle |
382 | *a₅ | ligature |
383 | *-a₁ | imperative suffix |
385 | *ni-a | 3sg. agent/possessor |
387 | *-a₃ | subjunctive suffix |
428 | *babaw₃ | upper surface, top; highlands; on, upon, over, above |
430 | *i babaw | above, on top of |
433 | *baba₁ | carry a person pick-a-back; ride pick-a-back |
441 | *babuy₃ | pig |
442 | *babuy-an | pigpen, pigsty, piggery |
461 | *baSaq | a flood; to overflow, be in flood |
477 | *bakbak₂ | sound of heavy clapping or pounding, smacking sound |
480 | *bakes₁ | belt; tie around the waist |
484 | *bakuŋ₁ | a lily-like plant: Crinum asiaticum L. |
496 | *balalaCuk | a bird: the woodpecker |
519 | *balaŋa | shallow earthenware cooking pot or pan |
528 | *balbal₁ | beating stick; to hit, beat (esp. clothes in washing them) |
531 | *bales₁ | to answer, retaliate; reciprocate good or evil |
559 | *baliw₂ | return |
578 | *baluN | bind, bundle |
611 | *baNaR | a thorny vine: Smilax spp. |
614 | *baNaS | male (of animals) |
619 | *baNaw | a thorny vine: Smilax spp. |
627 | *baNiC | to skin, flay |
645 | *baqeRuh | new; bachelor |
652 | *baRah | ember, glowing coal |
662 | *baRaq₁ | lung |
666 | *baRat₁ | crossbeam |
668 | *barat₁ | crossbeam |
696 | *baReq | abscess, boil, swelling on the body |
698 | *baRija | weaver's sword (lath used to beat in and tighten the woof) |
702 | *baRiuS | typhoon |
709 | *baRuj | a dove: probably Ducula spp. |
720 | *basbas₁ | hit, strike |
721 | *basbas₂ | sprinkle |
754 | *bañaw | wash the body |
757 | *ma-bañaw | wash the body |
760 | *baŋaw | paddy bug, foul-smelling insect that preys on rice in the field |
766 | *baŋbaŋ₂ | butterfly, moth |
773 | *baŋbaŋ₆ | loud resounding sound |
776 | *baŋeliS | tusk; canine tooth |
787 | *baŋuN | wake up, get out of bed |
801 | *baŋ(e)qeR₁ | rotten smell, stench |
804 | *baŋeSiS | fragrant |
811 | *beCeŋ | millet sp., probably foxtail millet: Setaria italica |
813 | *beCik | tattoo |
815 | *b<in>eCik | tattooed, marked with a design |
820 | *beCu | callus, blister |
824 | *bedul | swelling of the body |
830 | *bejbej₁ | wrap around repeatedly, bind by wrapping; bundle of wrapped material |
842 | *bekas₁ | to spring a trap |
843 | *bekas₂ | swift, fast |
855 | *bekbek₂ | sound of breaking, etc. |
868 | *bekuC | to bend over, bend down (of a person); hunchbacked |
879 | *belaq | part of something split |
881 | *b<in>elaq | to have been split, cloven in two |
882 | *ma-belaq | be split, in two |
909 | *beli | to buy |
945 | *beNuC | pull out, extract |
950 | *beRas | rice between harvesting and cooking; husked rice |
952 | *beRas-an | container in which rice is stored |
957 | *beRay | give |
961 | *pa-beRay | to give |
965 | *beRek | domesticated pig |
970 | *beReqaŋ | molar tooth |
973 | *beriq | split, tear open |
993 | *beRŋaw | bluebottle, large fly |
998 | *beRŋi-n | night |
1011 | *besuR | satisfied from having eaten enough, satiated |
1016 | *ma-besuR | satiated, full from eating |
1019 | *bes | whizzing sound |
1020 | *betak | crack, split open (as dry ground) |
1035 | *beties | calf of the leg |
1037 | *betik₁ | snap the fingers; flick with the finger, fillip |
1046 | *betuŋ₁ | bamboo of very large diameter, probably Dendrocalamus sp. |
1061 | *beŋbeŋ₁ | blocked, as by a wall or curtain |
1064 | *beŋbeŋ₂ | buzz, hum |
1065 | *b<aR>eŋbeŋ | buzzing, droning, humming |
1096 | *biaC | draw a bow to its full extent |
1106 | *biCuka | stomach |
1148 | *bilaŋ₁ | to count, calculate; hold valuable |
1190 | *bineSiq | seed set aside for the next planting |
1194 | *biNiC | hold in the hand |
1213 | *biqiR | lopsided, off-balance |
1215 | *biqut | curved, crooked, bent |
1218 | *biRaq₁ | wild taro, elephant's ear or itching taro, Alocasia spp. |
1223 | *biRaSu | cane grass, Miscanthus sp. |
1224 | *biRaS | roe, fish eggs |
1234 | *biraŋ | anger, angry |
1235 | *biRbiR | lip |
1240 | *birbir₂ | shiver, shake, tremble |
1242 | *biriC | to tear, rip |
1269 | *bisuR | satisfied from having eaten enough, satiated |
1278 | *bitbit₁ | pull at some part of the body |
1295 | *bituqen | star |
1309 | *biŋiC | moody, irritable |
1325 | *buak | bubbling up (as spring water) |
1327 | *bual₁ | spring, source of fresh water |
1329 | *buaq | fruit |
1336 | *maR-buaq | bear fruit |
1355 | *buay₂ | (gloss uncertain) |
1356 | *bua₁ | foam, bubbles, froth |
1365 | *bubuR₁ | jellyfish |
1366 | *bubu₂ | conical bamboo basket trap for fish |
1370 | *bubu₆ | grandparent/grandchild (reciprocal term of address) |
1380 | *buCaq | foam, froth |
1381 | *buCa | mote in the eye; blind; blindness |
1386 | *buCa-en maCa | get a mote in the eye |
1389 | *ma-buCa | blind |
1393 | *buCbuC | pull up (as weeds), pluck (as feathers) |
1401 | *buCuq | testicles |
1405 | *buCu | callus, corn; blister |
1449 | *buhaŋ | hole, pit |
1450 | *buhet | squirrel |
1466 | *bujeq₁ | foam, bubbles, lather, scum, froth |
1499 | *bukeS | head hair |
1506 | *bukij | mountain; forested inland mountain areas |
1533 | *bulaN | moon, month; menstruation |
1552 | *bulaR₁ | cataract of the eye; hazy or blurred vision |
1560 | *bulaw | golden colored |
1561 | *bulaw-an | gold |
1568 | *bulbul | dust, pulverized stone |
1570 | *buled₁ | mountain |
1580 | *bulilik | lizard sp. |
1591 | *buli- | prefix of the *qali, *kali- series |
1597 | *buluN | companion |
1601 | *buluq₂ | type of slender bamboo; Schizostachyum spp. |
1632 | *bunabun | rice seedling |
1638 | *buNbuN | fontanelle; crown of the head |
1647 | *buNi | to hide, conceal |
1681 | *buNuq₁ | a constellation: the Pleiades |
1684 | *buNuq₂ | throw at, hit with a projectile |
1710 | *buqaya | crocodile |
1737 | *buRaw | drive off, chase away, expel |
1741 | *ma-buRaw | driven away, chased off |
1751 | *buReS | spray water from the mouth |
1770 | *buRuk | rotten meat; addled eggs; bad character |
1771 | *b<in>uRuk | to have become rotten |
1786 | *buSuk | drunkenness, intoxication |
1788 | *ma-buSuk | drunk, intoxicated |
1796 | *busuR₁ | enemy |
1797 | *busuR₂ | hunting bow |
1850 | *buuŋ | buzzing or humming sound |
1913 | *buŋuR | tree sp. |
1935 | *CabCab | clap, beat, hack |
1936 | *CaCaw | pupil of the eye |
1937 | *Cakaw | steal |
1940 | *ma-Cakaw | to steal |
1948 | *C<in>akaw | what is stolen, stolen goods; was stolen (past tense of direct passive) |
1950 | *Cakaw-an | (gloss uncertain) |
1955 | *Caki | feces, excreta |
1957 | *C<um>aki | defecate |
1959 | *CaliS | rope, cord, twine, string |
1965 | *C<in>aliS | was made into rope; what was made into rope |
1967 | *C<um>aliS | to tie with rope, fasten with rope |
1973 | *Caliŋa | ear |
1975 | *Caliŋa nu kaSiw | wood ear, semicircular edible fungus which grows on tree trunks |
1977 | *CaluN | fallow land; secondary forest |
1981 | *Capa | to smoke fish or meat for preservation |
1986 | *C<in>apa | smoked fish or meat |
1988 | *Capaŋ | a patch, as on clothing |
1990 | *Capel | a patch; to patch |
1992 | *tapeS | winnow |
1995 | *tapeS-i | to winnow |
1997 | *CaqiS | to sew |
1999 | *Ca-CaqiS | thread used for sewing (?) |
2000 | *CaqiS-an | place of sewing |
2002 | *C<um>aqiS | to sew |
2003 | *C<in>aqiS | work produced by sewing or stitching |
2004 | *Caqi | feces, excrement |
2006 | *C<in>aqi | small intestine |
2008 | *C<um>aqi | to defecate |
2011 | *CaSaw | open-air; outdoors |
2013 | *ka-CaSaw-an | (gloss uncertain) |
2014 | *Cau | person, human being |
2016 | *ka-Cau-an | (gloss uncertain) |
2018 | *k<in>a-Cau-an | nature, character |
2021 | *Cau Cau | (gloss uncertain) |
2023 | *Cawa | to laugh |
2025 | *Ca-Cawa | to laugh |
2028 | *ma-Cawa | to laugh |
2032 | *Cazem | sharp (of point or blade) |
2037 | *Caŋila | ear |
2039 | *Caŋis | weep, cry; mourn; to beseech |
2041 | *ma-Caŋis | tearful, crying easily |
2044 | *pa-Caŋis | to make someone cry; to let someone cry |
2048 | *Cebak | smack against |
2050 | *Cebuj | natural spring, fresh water spring |
2052 | *Cebuk | thud |
2054 | *CebuS | sugarcane: Saccharum officinarum |
2056 | *CegCeg | beat, pound, hit |
2059 | *CekCek | pierce, penetrate |
2063 | *Celaq | crack, split, fissure |
2065 | *CelCel | beat, pound |
2069 | *Cenek | thorn |
2072 | *CeRab | a belch |
2077 | *Cesek | insert, pierce, penetrate |
2083 | *Cidu | spoon, ladle, dipper |
2085 | *tiktik₁ | to tap, strike lightly on a hard surface |
2088 | *Cikel | return, go back |
2090 | *tik₁ | sound of tapping or flicking (of finger, small implement, etc.) against something |
2094 | *Ciqaw | fish sp. |
2098 | *CiŋaS | food particles caught between the teeth |
2106 | *Cubuq | plant sprout |
2108 | *C<um>ubuq | to sprout, to grow |
2113 | *CugCug₁ | hit something against something else |
2118 | *Cumek | pulverize; crumble |
2119 | *CumeS | clothes louse; body louse |
2122 | *CuNuh | roast food over a fire |
2125 | *C<in>uNuh | be roasted (by someone) |
2127 | *C<um>uNuh | to roast (intr.) |
2129 | *CuNuh-an | to roast |
2130 | *tunuh-an | to roast |
2131 | *ki-CuNuh | (gloss uncertain) |
2132 | *ki-tunuh | (gloss uncertain) |
2133 | *ma-CuNuh | roasted |
2134 | *ma-tunuh | roasted |
2143 | *CuqelaN | condylar bone; bone of fauna exclusive of fish |
2146 | *Curis | scratch a line |
2149 | *CuSuR | string together, as beads |
2152 | *CuSuR-en | be strung, be skewered |
2153 | *C<um>uSuR | to string beads, etc. |
2168 | *-Cu | 2pl deixis and spatio-temporal reference: that; there, then |
2172 | *i-Cu | that (2p) |
2181 | *dajam | accustomed to, tame |
2182 | *ma-dajam | accustomed to, tame |
2183 | *dajem | chills, as of malaria |
2184 | *ma-dajem | chills, as of malaria |
2186 | *dakuC | snatch, grab |
2192 | *ma-dalis | smooth, slippery |
2197 | *daqaNi | day |
2200 | *daReq | soil, probably clay |
2202 | *daRiŋ | groan, moan |
2203 | *daSdaS | chest (anat.) |
2210 | *dapa | palm of the hand |
2216 | *debdeb | chest |
2222 | *dekep | embrace |
2223 | *dekiŋ | to bark, of a deer |
2226 | *deles | bowstring |
2227 | *demdem₁ | brood, hold a grudge, remember, keep still |
2230 | *depuŋ | venomous snake |
2232 | *deRdeR | thunder |
2237 | *deruŋ | deep booming sound |
2238 | *deRuŋ₁ | distant rolling thunder |
2248 | *dikeC | sticky, adhesive |
2249 | *dikit | little, few, small in amount |
2256 | *disdis | cut, slice |
2258 | *diteq | sticky substance |
2269 | *duhduh | thunder |
2284 | *du(ŋ)kuŋ | bend, curve |
2298 | *edem₂ | soak, dye |
2361 | *enem | six |
2366 | *maka-enem | six times (frequentative multiplicative) |
2370 | *paR-enem-en | do six times |
2376 | *a-enem | six (of humans) |
2381 | *-en | verbal suffix marking patient or undergoer voice; nominal suffix marking product of an action or thing affected by an action |
2406 | *esa | one |
2407 | *a-esa | one (of humans) |
2489 | *gemel | take in the hand, clasp, grasp |
2500 | *gereC | slit an animal's throat |
2501 | *gerger₁ | shake, shiver, tremble |
2503 | *geriC | sound of ripping, gnawing, etc. |
2519 | *giRiŋ | ringing sound |
2520 | *gisgis₁ | rub, scrape against |
2523 | *guCguC₁ | pluck, pull out |
2524 | *gutgut₁ | front teeth, incisors |
2526 | *gurgur₁ | sound of boiling water |
2531 | *gusgus | to scrape, scratch, rub |
2532 | *gusi | gums |
2537 | *guŋguŋ | deep resounding sound |
2633 | *haŋut | smell, odor |
2648 | *ma-hemis | sweet |
2691 | *pa-hinzam | lend |
2705 | *hisep | suck, inhale |
2730 | *hukaq | loosen, open |
2775 | *ian₂ | dwell, reside, live in a place |
2785 | *ia₁ | 3sg. personal pronoun: he, she; him, her, it |
2786 | *si ia₁ | 3sg. personal pronoun: he, she, it |
2788 | *si ia₂ | demonstrative pronoun and adverb: this, here; that, there |
2792 | *ibaS | companion, close relative, other one |
2814 | *idas₁ | affine of Ego's generation |
2827 | *ijan | when? |
2836 | *Sika- | prefix for ordinal numbers |
2839 | *ikuD | to follow |
2840 | *ikuR | tail |
2865 | *iluR₂ | river channel |
2887 | *ina | mother, mother's sister |
2896 | *iná-q | mother, mother's sister (address, vocative) |
2898 | *maR-ina | to be mother and child |
2901 | *ta-ina | mother (ref.) |
2930 | *inu | where? |
2934 | *<in> | perfective marker |
2941 | *ipit | near, come near; edge, border |
2956 | *iRik | thresh with the feet (as rice) |
2965 | *isa₁ | one |
2968 | *isa-ŋa | the remaining one |
2969 | *isa isa | distributive; one-by-one, one at a time |
2971 | *paR-isa-an | to unite, combine in one |
2978 | *iSeq | urine, urinate |
2980 | *iSiq | urine, urinate |
2985 | *isi₅ | flesh (of humans, animals, fruits, tubers); contents; blade of a knife; inhabitants, residents |
2999 | *iSu | 2sg. personal pronoun: you |
3004 | *ita₁ | we (incl.) |
3008 | *iten | 1p plural absolute possessive pronoun: ours (incl.) |
3029 | *i₁ | exclamation of wonder, disgust, etc. |
3030 | *i₂ | generic marker of location in space or time |
3031 | *i₃ | personal article |
3033 | *-i₁ | imperative suffix |
3060 | *iŋsuŋ | wooden rice mortar |
3067 | *kaCu | bring, carry |
3069 | *gaRaŋ | small edible freshwater crab |
3073 | *kak | sound of a cackle, loud laugh, etc. |
3080 | *kalaw₁ | bird sp. |
3084 | *kali₁ | canal, ditch |
3089 | *kamaya | plant sp.: Diospyros discolor |
3090 | *kamay | hand |
3101 | *kaNasay | a fish: the mullet |
3111 | *kapkap | feel in the dark, grope |
3120 | *karkar | scratch up the earth, as a fowl |
3123 | *kaRus | scrape |
3124 | *karut₁ | scrape, rasp |
3130 | *kaS(e)pal | thick, of solid objects |
3145 | *ka-₁ | marker of past time in temporal expressions |
3146 | *ka₁ | conjunctive particle, and |
3147 | *ka₂ | conditional, if |
3156 | *kedip | to blink |
3158 | *kedi | small in size or amount |
3167 | *kelip | to blink |
3173 | *keNa | be ensnared, caught in a trap; suffer, undergo, be struck by something; be entrapped or deceived; hit the mark, be ‘on target’, correct, right, true |
3182 | *keRaŋ₂ | scab, crust on a wound |
3184 | *keriq | chattering, crying of monkeys |
3186 | *keRkeR | shake, tremble |
3190 | *keRuŋ | resounding sound |
3192 | *keskes₁ | scratch, scrape |
3196 | *ketil | pinch off |
3199 | *kezem | close the eyes |
3203 | *keŋkeŋ₁ | hollow, resounding sound |
3214 | *kiaw | puling sound of a bird |
3215 | *kiCiŋ | body part |
3217 | *kidiq | to tickle |
3229 | *kiluŋ | curved; bay |
3239 | *kiRus | scrape |
3240 | *kiSkiS | scrape off |
3248 | *kiŋkiŋ₁ | ringing sound |
3257 | *kuan₁ | hamlet; kin-based residential unit |
3258 | *kuaw | kind of bird and the sound of its call |
3259 | *kudem | darkened by clouds, overcast |
3260 | *kudis | scurfy skin disease; scabies |
3262 | *kudkud | hoof, lower leg of an ungulate |
3280 | *kupit | press together, close tightly |
3290 | *kuris₁ | scurfy skin disease; scabies |
3299 | *kuSa | work |
3301 | *kuSkuS₂ | scrape |
3302 | *k<ar>uSkuS | scrape, scratch something from a surface |
3322 | *ku(ŋ)kuŋ | deep resonant sound; name of a bird with deep resonant cry |
3343 | *lama₂ | old, former |
3347 | *lamlam₁ | impetuous |
3356 | *laplap | loose (as of clothing) |
3360 | *laRaŋ | to forbid |
3361 | *laRiw | run, run away, flee, escape |
3362 | *ma-laRiw | run, run away, flee |
3371 | *lawas₁ | wide, broad |
3373 | *lawa₁ | wide |
3378 | *layap | to fly |
3390 | *la(n)tuk | curved, bowed |
3393 | *laŋu | vertigo |
3394 | *ma-laŋu | dizzy, drunk |
3395 | *laŋ(e)si | unpleasant odor |
3404 | *lecik | fly off, of solid bits or water droplets |
3412 | *lemek₁ | soft |
3418 | *lemlem | dark, of weather; overcast |
3423 | *lepaw₁ | hut |
3438 | *lezep | submerge, disappear under water |
3452 | *lekab | open, uncover |
3472 | *linuR | earthquake |
3475 | *liNuŋ | calm, tranquil, of the surface of water |
3481 | *liuS | circumambulate, circumvent |
3486 | *liŋaw₁ | shadow |
3518 | *lukuC | parasitic plant sp. |
3531 | *luem | ripe |
3533 | *lupaS | spit, spit out |
3539 | *Nusuŋ | rice mortar |
3563 | *maliqi | pregnant |
3571 | *manu | interrogative marker: which? |
3572 | *maS | and |
3584 | *mesmes | grasp, grip, squeeze |
3630 | *mula | to plant |
3631 | *mulmul | hold in the mouth and suck |
3635 | *muRmuR | gargle, rinse the mouth |
3639 | *Nabek | breakers, surf, waves |
3641 | *najam | accustomed to, familiar with; tame |
3642 | *ma-najam | accustomed to, familiar with; tame |
3644 | *Nali | cicada |
3650 | *nasuk | cook by boiling |
3652 | *Na₁ | conjunction: and |
3654 | *na₂ | linker marking emphatic attribution |
3655 | *-na | distal spatio-temporal deixis: that, there; then |
3662 | *nemnem | think |
3664 | *NeŋNeŋ | stare, look fixedly |
3666 | *Neŋ | look, see |
3674 | *Niteq | sap of a tree or plant |
3677 | *-ni | proximal spatio-temporal deixis: this, here; now |
3678 | *di-ni | here |
3679 | *i-ni | this, here |
3680 | *ia-ni | this; here |
3682 | *qa-ni | this; here |
3687 | *-nu₁ | marker of uncertainty |
3700 | *i-nu | place which is unknown or cannot be remembered: where? |
3701 | *ka-nu₁ | interrogative; probably 'when?' |
3703 | *na-nu | what(?) |
3707 | *Nuka | wound |
3708 | *ma-Nuka | wounded |
3715 | *nu₁ | if, when (in future) |
3732 | *paCak | spotted, speckled, as the skin of an animal |
3733 | *pacek | wooden nail, dowel; drive in, as a wooden nail or dowel |
3767 | *paleCuk | shoot, sound of shooting |
3772 | *paliq₁ | an internal organ, probably spleen or pancreas |
3774 | *paliSi | taboo, ritual restriction; purifying rite |
3775 | *paliSi-en | be tabooed (?) |
3802 | *paNaw | go, walk away, depart |
3807 | *paNij | wing |
3829 | *paqpaq₁ | chew |
3841 | *paRaw | hoarse |
3845 | *paRa₁ | storage shelf; attic, loft |
3859 | *paRiS | stingray |
3864 | *pariuk | earthenware cooking pot |
3874 | *paR-₂ | divide into x (x = numeral) |
3875 | *pasaqaN | shoulder pole; carry with a shoulder pole |
3877 | *paspas₁ | beat out, thresh |
3878 | *pasu₁ | cheek bone |
3894 | *paŋa₁ | fork of a branch; any forked structure; bifurcation |
3895 | *paŋaq | forked, pronged |
3911 | *pa(n)tuk₂ | to knock, strike against |
3915 | *paŋudaN | pandanus |
3919 | *peCik | snap, as the fingers or a slingshot |
3920 | *pedek | wink, blink |
3922 | *pedped₁ | press together, pack solid |
3929 | *pekpek₁ | beat, hit |
3934 | *pelus | slip off |
3938 | *perus | slip or slide off |
3941 | *pespes | squeeze, massage |
3969 | *pikpik | sound of patting or tapping |
3998 | *piuk | dent, dimple |
4001 | *piŋi | cheek |
4013 | *puCaq | foam, froth, lather |
4019 | *puduN | ball of thread; spool |
4039 | *puluC | a plant: Urena lobata |
4040 | *pulu₁ | handle |
4058 | *puRuq | a bird, the quail |
4063 | *puteq | gummy secretion |
4081 | *puŋuN | bunch, cluster (of grain, fruit, areca nuts, etc.) |
4087 | *qabaRa₁ | shoulder |
4089 | *qabaRa-an | shoulder (?) |
4091 | *qabaS | notch cut in a tree |
4097 | *qabaŋ₁ | boat, canoe |
4114 | *qabu | ash, cinder, powder |
4121 | *qabu-an | place of ashes; hearth |
4123 | *qaCay | liver |
4137 | *qaCeb | deadfall trap to catch small mammals |
4138 | *qaCipa | soft-shelled turtle |
4140 | *qaCi- | prefix variant of the *qali/kali- set |
4141 | *qaCi | ebb, of water in streams |
4144 | *ma-qaCi | ebb, of water in streams; low tide |
4148 | *qajaw | day |
4150 | *ma-qajaw | sunny, hot |
4151 | *q<um>ajaw | to shine, of the sun |
4154 | *qalad | fence, wall |
4156 | *qaleb | knee |
4163 | *qalep | beckon, wave |
4174 | *qali-puju | hair whorl |
4183 | *qaluR₁ | current, deep channel in the middle of a river |
4186 | *qalu-Sipan | centipede |
4198 | *qamiS | north wind |
4199 | *qamiS-an | north; winter |
4205 | *qanibuŋ | fruit-bearing bush or tree |
4207 | *qaNiCu | ghost, spirit of the dead; owl |
4212 | *qaNiC | animal skin, hide, leather |
4214 | *q<um>aNiC | to skin an animal |
4225 | *qaniS | harvest; to harvest |
4227 | *maR-qani | harvest; to harvest |
4230 | *qaNi- | variant of the *qali/kali- prefix |
4231 | *qaNi | weaving spindle |
4232 | *qani₁ | proximal deictic: this |
4233 | *qaNiŋu | shadow, reflection |
4241 | *qaNuaŋ | large ruminant species: carabao, water buffalo (?) |
4243 | *qaNuNaŋ | a tree: Cordia dichotoma |
4247 | *qanup | to hunt wild game |
4248 | *q<um>aNup | to hunt, go hunting |
4249 | *qaNup-an | hunting ground, hunting territory |
4251 | *qaNup-en | what is hunted, wild game |
4258 | *qapejux | gall, gall bladder, bile |
4264 | *qapid | braid, twine |
4266 | *qapucuk | peak of a mountain |
4267 | *qapuR | lime, calcium |
4273 | *qaqay | foot, leg |
4276 | *qaRaw | snatch, take away by force, rob |
4280 | *qaRem | pangolin, scaly anteater |
4286 | *qaRsem | sourness, acidity |
4294 | *qasawa | spouse: husband, wife |
4302 | *qaseb | smoke |
4303 | *qaSelu | pestle |
4304 | *qasepa | astringent |
4308 | *qasiN | saltiness, salty taste |
4325 | *qasiRa | salt |
4327 | *qasiRa-en | anything which has been salted |
4340 | *qataq | eat something raw |
4341 | *ma-qataq | raw, unripe |
4357 | *qatimela | flea |
4359 | *qatip₁ | part of the loom |
4361 | *qatip-an | part of the loom |
4373 | *qauR | bamboo sp. |
4377 | *qauŋ | to howl, of a dog |
4384 | *qawqaw | to bark, of a dog |
4386 | *qayam₁ | bird |
4395 | *qa₁ | locative particle |
4398 | *qaŋeliC | stench of burning substances |
4399 | *qaŋeRiS | stench of spoiling fish |
4400 | *qaŋeRu | stench of spoiled or souring organic matter |
4402 | *qaŋeseR | stench of urine |
4403 | *qaŋeSit | stench, musky odor of an animal |
4410 | *qaŋqaŋ | barking of a dog |
4411 | *q<um>aŋqaŋ | to bark, of a dog |
4412 | *qañud | drift on a current, carried away by flowing water |
4416 | *pa-añud | set adrift |
4421 | *qebel | smoke |
4422 | *qeCah | rice husk, rice bran |
4424 | *qeCeŋ | obstruction, barrier |
4426 | *qeCuR | sexual arousal, sexual excitement |
4427 | *qedet | press down on |
4432 | *qekuŋ | owl |
4436 | *qeleC | interval, intervening space |
4446 | *qemin | all |
4449 | *qemqem | hold in the closed mouth |
4450 | *qenay | sand |
4456 | *qeNeb₁ | to close, to shut; door |
4459 | *qeNeb₂ | spread all over |
4465 | *qeNuR | animal trail |
4467 | *qenuR-an₁ | animal haunt, place frequented by animals |
4472 | *qepit | squeeze, press between |
4478 | *qesak | ripe; cooked; ready to eat |
4481 | *qesep | sip, suck |
4482 | *q<um>esep | suck |
4483 | *qesir | hiss, sizzle |
4485 | *qetaq | eat something raw |
4488 | *ma-qetaq | raw, unripe, green (fruit), uncooked |
4497 | *qetut | fart, flatulence |
4502 | *pa-qetut | to fart, break wind |
4504 | *q<um>etut | to fart, break wind |
4516 | *qiaw | animal cry |
4517 | *qia | exclamation (probably of affirmation or confirmation) |
4521 | *qiCeluR | egg |
4525 | *qiCqiC | nibble off, gnaw off |
4530 | *qidus | spoon, ladle |
4532 | *qiduS | spoon, ladle |
4535 | *qijap | resent, blame; resentment, jealousy |
4548 | *qiluS | wipe after defecating |
4554 | *qiNeb | door |
4555 | *qinep | lie down to sleep |
4560 | *qiNuaŋ | large ruminant species |
4563 | *qipit | pincer of crustaceans; tongs; press together, pinch, squeeze |
4565 | *qipiŋ | incline one's head to the side |
4576 | *qiRik | thresh with the feet, as rice |
4586 | *qiSu | shark |
4593 | *qitik₁ | small, little; few |
4598 | *qiut | copulate, have sexual intercourse |
4599 | *qiuŋ₁ | natural sound |
4614 | *quay | rattan, Calamus sp. |
4618 | *quaŋ₁ | empty, vacant |
4619 | *quaŋ₂ | howling or yelping of a dog |
4621 | *qubaN | gray hair |
4630 | *quCaN | scrub-land, bush |
4632 | *qudaŋ | shrimp, crayfish, lobster |
4634 | *qudem | dark, dull (of light or color) |
4636 | *qudip₁ | life, alive |
4639 | *ka-qudip-an | livelihood |
4641 | *pa-qudip | care for, raise (an animal) |
4646 | *qujiŋ | charcoal |
4651 | *qukut | hunched over, bowed (as with age) |
4656 | *qulej | type of small worm |
4660 | *qules₁ | clothing |
4673 | *quluh | head |
4682 | *qulu qulu | head-end, upper part |
4687 | *qumah | swidden, work a swidden |
4691 | *pa-qumah-an | (gloss uncertain) |
4694 | *q<in>umah | (gloss uncertain) |
4696 | *quman | repeat oneself monotonously |
4701 | *qumaŋ | hermit crab |
4710 | *qumuR | fill the mouth with food or water |
4722 | *quNuNaŋ | tree with sticky fruits: Cordia spp. |
4723 | *quNuq | beads, necklace of beads |
4729 | *qupuŋ | bunch, cluster |
4734 | *quriaw | noise, clamor |
4743 | *quSeNap | fish scale |
4748 | *quSaw | thirst |
4749 | *quSaw-an | thirsty |
4750 | *ma-quSaw | thirsty |
4751 | *quSeŋeC | anger, angry |
4753 | *quSuŋ | edible mushroom (generic) |
4768 | *qutiN | penis |
4779 | *quzaN | rain |
4783 | *ma-quzaN | rainy |
4787 | *pa-quzaN | (gloss uncertain) |
4788 | *q<um>uzaN | to rain; it is raining |
4790 | *quzan-en | to be rained on |
4799 | *qu₂ | grammatical particle |
4806 | *Rabiqi | late afternoon, evening; evening meal |
4813 | *rakat | walk |
4819 | *Rames | squeeze, knead |
4833 | *rauC | peel rattan, bamboo |
4839 | *rawraw | to rinse |
4867 | *Reken | coiled base on which hot cooking pots are set |
4868 | *reken | coiled base on which hot cooking pots are set |
4886 | *reŋeC | angry, annoyed |
4887 | *reŋiC | grimace at pain |
4900 | *Riaq | sword grass: Imperata cylindrica |
4902 | *RibaS | demolish |
4914 | *Riqek | thresh grain by trampling |
4938 | *RuqaNay | male |
4951 | *SabaN | cloth used to carry a child on the back |
4953 | *SabaRat | south wind (?) |
4958 | *Sabij | twins of the same sex |
4960 | *Sabit | long cloth wrapped around body and used for carrying |
4964 | *SadiRi | housepost |
4968 | *Sadu | many, much, plenty |
4976 | *Sajek | smell; to smell (transitive) |
4981 | *Sajek-en | to smell |
4982 | *sakal | restraining device on animals |
4984 | *sakat | rise, climb up |
4986 | *saksak₁ | hack, chop into pieces |
4988 | *SakuC | transport piecemeal; tranport through repeated trips |
4993 | *Salas | forest, wilderness, woods |
5003 | *saliw | buy, sell |
5016 | *SapaR | unroll a mat, spread out a mat |
5018 | *S<um>apaR | unroll, spread out a mat |
5020 | *sapaw | field hut |
5021 | *Sapejiq | smarting, stinging pain |
5023 | *Sapit | press together, press between two surfaces |
5031 | *SapSap | feel, grope |
5034 | *SapuSap | feel, grope |
5036 | *Sapuy | fire |
5048 | *S<um>apuy | (gloss uncertain) |
5053 | *saqsaq | bamboo which has been split and flattened |
5061 | *SaRuŋ | snore, groan, etc. |
5064 | *Sasak | ripe; cooked |
5066 | *ma-Sasak | ripe; cooked |
5067 | *Sasaq | whet, sharpen |
5073 | *Sasaq-an | whetstone, grindstone |
5077 | *SateD | accompany, escort; send, return |
5079 | *ma-SateD | escort, accompany |
5081 | *pa-SateD | send (?) |
5084 | *S<um>ateD | accompany, escort |
5086 | *SateD-an | escort, accompany (imperative) |
5089 | *Sauni | in a little while, momentarily, later |
5091 | *Sawak | waist, back of the waist |
5098 | *SawSaw | wash, rinse |
5100 | *Saw | question particle |
5105 | *Sa₁ | ligature |
5107 | *Sa₂ | locative particle |
5118 | *saŋeday | lean or rest on |
5124 | *SebaN | carry a child with a carrying cloth |
5126 | *S<in>ebaN | what is carried on the back |
5128 | *SebuC | pluck, pull up (as weeds) |
5130 | *sebuS | douse a fire, extinguish a fire with water; to hiss, as water on fire’ |
5134 | *sedu | hiccough |
5136 | *sejep | enter, penetrate |
5137 | *Sekak | to crow, to caw |
5140 | *sekel | bend, bow |
5149 | *selsel₁ | insert, cram in |
5152 | *Semay | cooked rice |
5155 | *Sema | tongue |
5157 | *Semut | smothering, suffocating |
5161 | *Sepat | four |
5168 | *ma-Sepat | (gloss uncertain) |
5170 | *maka-Sepat | four times |
5177 | *paR-Sepat-en | do four times |
5179 | *Sa-Sepat | four (of humans) |
5186 | *pat-a | four (in counting certain referents) |
5192 | *Sepi | dream |
5199 | *Sesi | flesh, meat |
5201 | *Setek | cut, sever, chop |
5203 | *Seyaq | shyness, embarrassment; shame |
5205 | *ma-Seyaq | shy, embarrassed; ashamed |
5209 | *Seyup | blowing on (a fire, etc.) |
5213 | *Seyup-an | place of blowing |
5217 | *S<um>eyup | to blow |
5219 | *Sezam | borrow, lend |
5224 | *pa-Sezam | lend |
5227 | *Señaw | to wash |
5237 | *seŋseŋ | cork, stopper, plug |
5241 | *sibu | urine |
5244 | *sidu | spoon, ladle |
5250 | *Sikam | mat |
5252 | *Sikan | fish |
5256 | *Siket | tie, bind, attach to by tying |
5267 | *silaq | split |
5277 | *SimaR | grease, oil, fat |
5283 | *Simu | 2p pronoun: you |
5287 | *siNaR | sun |
5289 | *SiNuq | beads, necklace |
5291 | *Sin- | verb prefix |
5294 | *SipaR | opposite side (esp. of a river) |
5297 | *Sipes | cockroach |
5300 | *Sipi | dream |
5308 | *sipsip | sip, suck |
5318 | *SiRup | sip, as soup or rice wine from a bowl |
5331 | *Siwid | slanting, awry |
5333 | *Si-₁ | verbal prefix marking instrumental or benefactive voice |
5335 | *Si-₂ | originate from, come from |
5337 | *Siñaw | to wash |
5339 | *Siñaw-an | place where one washes |
5341 | *iŋ(e)pis | thin (of material objects) |
5351 | *Siŋus | sniff, sniffle (as with a runny nose) |
5359 | *Suab | yawn |
5361 | *ma-Suab | to yawn, yawning |
5368 | *Suaji | younger sibling |
5376 | *Suaji-an | called or regarded as siblings (?) |
5386 | *SulaR | snake |
5389 | *suleN | insert, plug |
5390 | *Sulem | dimness, twilight |
5392 | *ma-Sulem | dim, dark |
5395 | *Sulij | lie or sleep next to |
5398 | *SuluR | lower or let down, as on a rope |
5411 | *Supiq | plant shoot |
5415 | *Suni | chirping of birds; noise, sound |
5418 | *S<um>uni | to chirp, to crow, to sound off (birds) |
5420 | *SuNus | withdraw, pull out, extract |
5426 | *supsup | sip, suck |
5428 | *suqaR | thorn |
5429 | *SuqSuq | drip or drain out |
5433 | *suquN | carry on the head |
5434 | *SuRas | wash body parts, cooking or eating utensils (but not clothes) |
5443 | *SuRSuR | drawstring; to thread a drawstring |
5446 | *SuRut | pull, draw |
5447 | *SuRut-en | be pulled or drawn |
5448 | *SuSuq | drip or drain out |
5452 | *Suyeʔab | to yawn |
5459 | *CegCeg | to beat, pound on |
5463 | *Suʔu | 2sg. agent/possessor |
5467 | *sukud | walking stick, cane, staff |
5481 | *talaw | timid, fearful; coward |
5483 | *taliuk | turn, go around |
5491 | *tama₁ | appropriate, suitable, right; fit together; hit the mark |
5505 | *tamtam | smack the lips |
5509 | *tapis₁ | loincloth (?) |
5511 | *tapus | end, complete, finish |
5513 | *taqan₁ | snare trap; set a snare trap |
5522 | *tañam | try, taste |
5532 | *tapun | gather, assemble |
5535 | *ta(R)kes | wrap around, encircle |
5542 | *tebaS | to cut, clear vegetation |
5543 | *tebek | pierce, stab |
5546 | *t<um>ebek | to pierce, to stab |
5548 | *tebteb | to cut |
5552 | *teda | leftover, remainder |
5559 | *teguŋ | to boom, resound |
5565 | *tekiq | high-pitched sound; chirp of a gecko |
5566 | *tektek₂ | gecko, house lizard (onom.) |
5586 | *terter | shiver, tremble |
5589 | *teñeb | submerge |
5591 | *teŋiC | grimace at pain |
5593 | *tepuk | hit, sound of hitting, clapping, thumping |
5597 | *teŋteŋ₁ | drone, droning tone |
5600 | *tibuk | pound, throb |
5606 | *tikel | bend |
5619 | *timij | chin, jaw |
5627 | *tirtir₁ | shiver, tremble |
5635 | *i-ti | 1p deixis and spatial reference: this; here |
5660 | *tuiq | bird sp. |
5665 | *tuktuk₁ | beak of a bird; to peck |
5666 | *tuktuk₂ | top, summit, crown |
5667 | *tuku₁ | prop, post |
5682 | *tuqed | tree stump; stubble |
5683 | *tuqtuq | to hammer, pound, crush |
5687 | *titik | to beat on something loudly |
5689 | *tuRtuR | resonant sound |
5706 | *Cukul | huddle, bow the head |
5709 | *ua₁ | exclamation of surprise, etc. |
5716 | *ubuC | pluck, pull out |
5739 | *udu | grass |
5749 | *ujuŋ | nose |
5764 | *ulaw | confusion, perplexity |
5765 | *ma-ulaw | dazed, confused |
5767 | *ulaŋ | repeat, do again |
5791 | *umaN | again |
5804 | *umuR | hold in the mouth |
5805 | *<um> | verbal infix marking actor voice |
5811 | *uNay | sliver, splinter, foreign body embedded in the flesh |
5818 | *uNuq | beads, necklace |
5840 | *huRaC | artery, blood vessel, blood vein; muscle; nerve; sinew; tendon |
5853 | *qusiR | pursuit (as of enemies or game) |
5865 | *utaq | vomit |
5869 | *pa-utaq | cause to vomit |
5870 | *um-utaq | to vomit |
5872 | *utaq-an | vomit (imperative) |
5873 | *utaq-en | be vomited up; vomit (command) |
5915 | *-wadaŋ | collarbone, clavicle |
5941 | *wakwak | bird sp.; to caw, crow |
5943 | *walu | eight |
5947 | *maka-walu | eight times (frequentative, multiplicative) |
5950 | *paR-walu-en | do eight times |
5954 | *wa-walu | eight (of humans) |
5956 | *waNan | right (side, hand, direction) |
5962 | *waqay | foot, leg |
5963 | *waray | to separate, as two people |
5968 | *waRi₁ | day; sun; dry in the sun |
5977 | *watawat | wave, flutter (as a flag) |
5996 | *wili | return, come back |
5998 | *wiRi | left side or direction |
5999 | *ka-wiRi | left side or direction |
6003 | *witiwit | wag, swing from side to side |
6007 | *wiŋawiŋ | wag, shake, move repeatedly from side to side |
6026 | *za(ŋ)kuC | grab, grasp, seize |
6039 | *zulu | earlier, in advance |
6040 | *ŋabŋab | bite off the surface of something |
6044 | *ñamñam | tasty, delicious (?) |
6049 | *ñawñaw | rinse, wash |
6070 | *ŋitŋit₁ | gnaw |
6438 | *baqi | grandmother |
6439 | *bajaq₁ | know, understand; ask, inquire |
6441 | *ka-bajaq | know, understand |
6442 | *ma-bajaq | know, understand |
6443 | *pa-bajaq | give knowledge, teach |
6444 | *baseq | wash clothes |
6455 | *basuq | to wash |
6456 | *b<um>asuq | to wash |
6463 | *biqel | goiter |
6464 | *daqiS | forehead; face |
6474 | *panaq | throw something at a target; shoot with bow and arrow |
6476 | *p<in>anaq | shoot with a bow |
6477 | *p<um>anaq | shoot with a bow |
6485 | *batux | stone; testicle |
6501 | *batu₃ | to throw |
6510 | *kuden | clay cooking pot |
6526 | *ŋayaw | headhunting |
6530 | *RabuC | uproot, pull out by the roots |
6534 | *SayaN | termite |
6535 | *tageRaŋ | ribcage |
6538 | *Cebiq | split, divide, break off |
6552 | *aki | grandfather, ancestor |
6553 | *apa₂ | carry on the back |
6554 | *baki₂ | grandfather |
6555 | *bali₃ | wind |
6556 | *ma-bali₁ | windy |
6557 | *baliw | buy, sell |
6558 | *b<um>aliw | buy |
6559 | *beNbeN | banana: Musa sapientum L. |
6560 | *beRuS | a plant: Rhus semialata |
6561 | *bunuS | machete |
6562 | *Capuh | sweep |
6563 | *Ca-Capuh | broom |
6564 | *CawiN | year |
6565 | *Cemel | grass, herbs; medicine |
6566 | *Ceme-Cemel | uncultivated land |
6567 | *Cumay | Formosan black bear |
6568 | *daqu₂ | soapberry: Sapindus mukrossi, S. saponaria |
6569 | *daRa₁ | Formosan maple: Liquidambar formosana |
6570 | *kakaCu | spider |
6571 | *kahuS | scoop up |
6572 | *k<um>ahuS | scoop up |
6573 | *kawaS₁ | year, season; sky, heaven |
6574 | *keRiw | hemp plant; hemp |
6575 | *kiRim | seek, search, look for |
6576 | *ma-kiRim | found? |
6577 | *k<um>iRim | to seek, search, look for |
6578 | *kiRim-en | be looked for |
6579 | *kuNkuN | Formosan hill partridge |
6580 | *kuRi | rake |
6581 | *ka-kuRi | a rake |
6582 | *k<um>uRi | to rake |
6583 | *lawaR | flying squirrel |
6584 | *likeS | mosquito |
6585 | *lukeNaw | Formosan clouded leopard |
6586 | *lutuk₁ | the Formosan hare: Lepus sinensis formosus |
6587 | *maqaw | a plant: Litsea cubeba (Lour.) |
6588 | *Nibu | lair, den of an animal |
6589 | *ŋuSuN | nosebleed |
6590 | *pataS | tattoo |
6593 | *qelud | housepost, pillar |
6594 | *RameC | root |
6595 | *RiNaS | long feathers used for personal adornment |
6596 | *RiNaS-an | the male of Swinhoe’s blue pheasant |
6597 | *Rubu | nest, lair |
6598 | *sakeC | muntjac, barking deer |
6599 | *Sanaq | river otter |
6600 | *Sidi | Formosan serow, mountain goat |
6601 | *SuReNa | snow |
6602 | *waNiS | tusk of wild boar |
6603 | *waNiS-an | wild boar |
6604 | *waNu | honeybee |
6605 | *k<in>aCu | was brought; what was brought |
6606 | *k<um>aCu | to bring, to carry along |
6607 | *pa-kaCu | to send |
6611 | *daki | dirt on skin; dandruff |
6612 | *dakiS | climb, ascend |
6613 | *d<um>akiS | climb, ascend |
6614 | *kaSkaS | scratch up the soil, as a chicken looking for food |
6619 | *ajem | heart; mind |
6620 | *baRat₂ | cucumber: Cucumis sativus |
6621 | *Cali | cultivated taro: Colocasia esculenta |
6622 | *CekeS | kind of very slender bamboo |
6623 | *qeCeŋeN | black |
6624 | *ima | who? |
6625 | *pajiS | enemy |
6626 | *peSiq | squeeze out juice; squirt out |
6627 | *puja | navel, umbilical cord |
6628 | *pujek | navel, umbilical cord |
6629 | *Ritu | loquat tree and fruit: Eriobotrya deflexa |
6630 | *Samaq | a plant: Lactuca indica Linn., and Sonchus oleraceus Linn. |
6632 | *adaS | bring, take along |
6633 | *um-adaS | bring |
6634 | *dawiN | far |
6635 | *Cabu | to wrap |
6636 | *C<um>abu | to wrap |
6637 | *CebuN | smoke |
6638 | *ini | negative marker: no, not |
6639 | *ketun | cut, sever |
6641 | *kulay₁ | worm, insect |
6642 | *kuya₁ | bad, defective |
6643 | *lapis | flying squirrel |
6644 | *nay | deictic particle: this |
6645 | *punuq₁ | brain, marrow |
6646 | *puSaN | twice |
6647 | *ma-puSaN | twenty |
6648 | *qaRidaŋ | bean, pea (generic) |
6649 | *qaRiw | dry |
6650 | *qelqel | chew, gnaw on |
6651 | *qubiS | pubic hair |
6652 | *qudaS | gray hair |
6653 | *riSriS | hoe up weeds; weed a garden |
6654 | *RamiS | root |
6655 | *uSa | go |
6656 | *pa-uSa | to send away |
6657 | *um-uSa | to go, to walk |
6674 | *ŋuSuR | nasal mucus |
6678 | *RaSuŋ | ambush, attack from concealment |
6679 | *taRah | to wait |
6681 | *t<um>aRah | to wait |
6682 | *dakeS | a tree: the camphor laurel: Cinnamomum spp. |
6683 | *ŋiSŋiS | beard |
6684 | *puNi | whiteness |
6685 | *ma-puNi | white |
6686 | *qemu | sticky rice cake |
6687 | *qiNaS | moon, month |
6688 | *Ribawa | swell; swelling, tumor |
6689 | *Rimeja | sword grass: Imperata cylindrica |
6690 | *tuRukuk | chicken |
6691 | *sakay₂ | walk |
6692 | *s<um>akay | to walk |
6693 | *Sawiki | betel nut: nut of Areca catechu |
6694 | *Suaw | yawn |
6695 | *ma-Suaw | to yawn |
6696 | *SipuR | to count |
6697 | *tanaq | a plant: Aralia decaisneana (Hance) |
6698 | *taRuqan | field hut; temporary shelter used when working for extended periods in fields far from the village |
6699 | *tatak | hoe |
6700 | *tenem | sea, ocean |
6704 | *dapaN | sole of the foot; footprint |
6705 | *kiRkiR | rasp, file |
6706 | *paheku | bracken, edible fern that grows by rivers: Athyrium esculentum |
6707 | *tikuRas | a bird: the Formosan bamboo partridge |
6708 | *dukduk₁ | ginger |
6709 | *siRa₁ | yesterday |
6710 | *taŋa₂ | to open |
6711 | *ma-taŋa | will open? |
6713 | *bukas | release, undo |
6723 | *damuq₁ | menstrual blood? |
6783 | *walay | thread |
6785 | *bayu | to pound rice |
6818 | *SameCi | a plant: Solanum nigrum |
6825 | *duRi | thorn |
6845 | *luCuŋ | the Formosan rock monkey: Macaca cyclopis |
6856 | *dalayap | kind of citrus tree and fruit |
6861 | *-matek | jungle leech, Haemadipsa spp. |
6862 | *qaNi-matek | jungle leech, Haemadipsa spp. |
6871 | *paqiC | hotness of taste, spiciness; bitterness |
6874 | *ma-paqiC | bitter |
6885 | *ñamuR | dew |
6902 | *puluq₁ | group of ten |
6905 | *sa-puluq | ten |
6907 | *Sika-puluq | tenth |
6917 | *Culi | deaf |
6934 | *bahi | female |
6939 | *ba-bahi | woman, female |
6941 | *b<in>ahi | woman, wife |
6948 | *manuk | chicken |
6963 | *daŋdaŋ₁ | broil; warm oneself or something near a fire |
6969 | *daŋdaŋ-an | place something near a fire |
6986 | *peNuq | full, of a container |
7000 | *peñu | sea turtle |
7018 | *dadaN | old, of things; ancient times |
7020 | *daqaN | old, ancient |
7039 | *lahud | downstream, toward the sea |
7046 | *Si-lahud | wind from the sea (?) |
7050 | *Niwaŋ | thinness, slenderness |
7051 | *ma-Niwaŋ | thin, of persons and animals |
7066 | *baSaw | cold, of leftover food; leftovers from a meal |
7068 | *ma-baSaw | cooled off, as cooked food that has been left to sit too long |
7070 | *baSay | a hairy vine: Pueraria hirsuta |
7077 | *dakep | catch, seize; embrace |
7079 | *d<um>akep | to catch, capture; embrace |
7080 | *dakep-en | be caught, captured |
7082 | *qaReNu | a plant, Phragmites spp. |
7084 | *qanus₁ | a plant: Begonia aptera (Hay) |
7088 | *dalem | in, inside; deep |
7092 | *ma-dalem | deep |
7105 | *lipen | tooth |
7109 | *danaw | lake |
7111 | *layu | wither, wilt |
7114 | *baŋaS | a tree: Melia azedarach |
7115 | *biliN | to follow after someone, walk behind |
7116 | *Cebuŋ | to meet, come together |
7117 | *diNaŋ | rust; hematite |
7118 | *kaway₃ | net bag used by men for carrying things on back |
7119 | *kawkaw₁ | sickle for harvesting grain |
7120 | *keRet | cut something slender or soft; reap crops |
7121 | *k<um>eRet | cut something slender |
7122 | *keRet-en | be cut |
7123 | *Nihib | rock shelter, cave under a rock |
7124 | *NuqeS | bone marrow |
7125 | *qadiS | hawk sp. (harrier?) |
7126 | *qaNa | stranger; enemy |
7127 | *SiSiN | omen bird: Alcippe spp. |
7128 | *uka₁ | negative existential: there is none |
7129 | *dilaq₁ | to lick |
7131 | *d<um>ilaq | to lick |
7136 | *nipen | tooth |
7138 | *ŋipen | tooth |
7140 | *paid | fan |
7143 | *puki | vulva, vagina |
7144 | *alim | forget |
7145 | *bajiw | edible mushroom sp. |
7146 | *baqeSiŋ | sneeze |
7147 | *piad | dish, plate |
7148 | *guRiCa | octopus |
7150 | *gaCel | itch, feel itchy |
7165 | *t<um>azem | sharpen |
7166 | *laCeŋ | stinging nettle: Laportea spp. |
7171 | *lebeŋ₁ | to bury |
7172 | *pikuq₁ | to bend, curve; bent, curved |
7173 | *qapiC | tongs, anything used to hold things together by pinching |
7174 | *Seŋaw | to breathe (?) |
7176 | *tabaN | head trophy, trophy taken in headhunting (?) |
7187 | *mumu | Formosan blind mole: Talpa micrura insularis (Swinhoe) |
7188 | *Nutud | join two things to give added length (rope, bamboo, etc.) |
7189 | *qulas | dewdrop |
7190 | *RabiS | small knife |
7191 | *Samud | a plant, sesame: Sesamum indicum |
7192 | *Seŋad | to breathe |
7193 | *S<um>eŋad | to breathe |
7194 | *Sijap | broom |
7195 | *tadaw | kind of large knife |
7196 | *tanayan | bamboo sp. |
7197 | *waCaN | deep pool or pond |
7198 | *waCa-waCaN | small pond(?) |
7205 | *daRaq | blood; to bleed; menstruate |
7207 | *ma-daRaq | bloody, bleeding; to menstruate |
7210 | *daya | upriver, toward the interior |
7213 | *kuliC | rind, peeling of fruits or tubers |
7221 | *naNaq | pus |
7226 | *alujah | ant sp. |
7227 | *baŋeS | skin |
7228 | *benan | deer of the genus Cervus, either the sika deer or sambar deer |
7229 | *lupas₁ | peach |
7230 | *Naqeji | boundary between adjacent rice fields |
7231 | *sihikay | maggot |
7232 | *Seked | stop an activity, take a break, rest |
7233 | *tuquN | an evergreen tree, probably Acacia confusa |
7235 | *p<um>espes | to massage |
7237 | *hulhul₁ | to bark, of a dog |
7239 | *kabit₁ | hook |
7240 | *kawil₁ | fishhook |
7243 | *kawit | hook |
7250 | *piluk₁ | crippled; bent or twisted, of the leg or foot |
7254 | *taNiud | mulberry tree and fruit: Morus formosensis (Hotta) |
7255 | *kawaS₂ | talk, talk about, discuss |
7256 | *lebleb₁ | foggy, misty, overcast, gloomy, of weather preceding rain |
7257 | *pedel | to wring out, as water from wet clothes |
7258 | *qaNeb | door |
7259 | *supay | whetting, sharpening |
7260 | *s<um>upay | to whet, grate, sharpen |
7261 | *sa-supay-an | whetstone |
7262 | *Sikad | ashamed; shy |
7263 | *ma-Sikad | ashamed; shy; modest |
7264 | *SulSul | to masturbate |
7265 | *ma-lebleb | foggy, misty, overcast, gloomy, of weather preceding rain |
7268 | *k<um>uSkuS | to scrape |
7272 | *kuSkuS₁ | claw, talon, fingernail |
7274 | *k<aN>uSkuS | claw, talon, fingernail |
7276 | *likaC | lightning |
7282 | *mujiŋ | face (human) |
7283 | *mujiŋ-an | (gloss uncertain) |
7284 | *NaCeŋ | vegetables |
7286 | *NataD | outside |
7289 | *suNaR | light, radiance |
7291 | *s<um>uNaR | to shine, radiate light |
7293 | *bunuR₁ | to swell; swollen |
7294 | *ma-bunuR | to swell; swollen |
7295 | *kuCkuC | roll up, curl up tightly |
7296 | *maNaŋ | sharp |
7297 | *RuSRuS | to scrape smooth, to plane a surface |
7299 | *umaS | to pickle, preserve meat or fish |
7301 | *Rinu | winnowing basket |
7303 | *Rumaq | house |
7304 | *baŋun₁ | the Japanese cypress: Chamaecyparis obtusa |
7305 | *bula₂ | to give |
7306 | *kapua | silk cotton, kapok |
7307 | *Namat | iron (metal) |
7311 | *lubaŋ₁ | burial pit |
7314 | *l<um>ubaŋ | to bury, place in a pit or hole |
7316 | *RaCus | hundred |
7321 | *titu | puppy; young animal in general? |
7323 | *dua | over there, yonder |
7324 | *nema | what thing? |
7325 | *takis | sword |
7326 | *adi | no, not |
7329 | *detdet | packed tightly together |
7330 | *diRus | bathe |
7331 | *taNek | to cook anything but rice |
7335 | *t<in>aNek | boiled foods other than rice? |
7337 | *t<um>aNek | to cook anything but rice |
7339 | *taNek-en | to be cooked |
7343 | *timuR | south or east wind |
7345 | *timus | salt |
7346 | *timu | salt |
7347 | *timuRmuR | rinse the mouth |
7348 | *uŋay | ritually sacrificed monkey? |
7349 | *buŋa | flower, blossom |
7350 | *tuduS | knee |
7356 | *liqeR | neck |
7358 | *Raya | big, large |
7361 | *tuduq | to leak, drip, as a leaky roof; a drop of water |
7363 | *t<in>uduq | dripped; what dripped |
7365 | *tuduq-en | to drip |
7366 | *tuduq-an | to drip |
7372 | *iuk | citrus fruit (both orange and pomelo?) |
7376 | *ka-Rabi-an | (gloss uncertain) |
7380 | *Rabi-an | evening, night |
7382 | *Rabi-Rabi | every night, happening every night |
7383 | *diRi | to stand |
7384 | *lima | five |
7390 | *la-lima | five (in counting people) |
7391 | *maka-lima | five times |
7397 | *Sika-lima | fifth (ordinal numeral) |
7401 | *ma-lima-N | fifty |
7407 | *Sapiq | flattened |
7409 | *layaR | sail |
7414 | *pijpij | close together |
7415 | *ma-pizpiz | closely spaced, set close together |
7417 | *buRay | flower |
7418 | *Sina | a plant: Erechtites spp. |
7419 | *waqit | barb, point; canine tooth? |
7421 | *ma-talaw | fearful, cowardly |
7422 | *palu₃ | to hammer, pound, hit |
7424 | *palu-palu | hammer, mallet, instrument for pounding or hammering |
7425 | *takut | fear |
7427 | *ma-takut | fearful, afraid |
7437 | *CaNem | grave; to bury |
7447 | *ka-tanem-an | area that is planted(?) |
7449 | *t<um>anem | to plant |
7450 | *tanem-an | area that is planted(?) |
7451 | *CaNem-en | what is buried or planted |
7453 | *kuti | vulva, vagina |
7454 | *CaNum | carry water |
7456 | *daNum | fresh water |
7460 | *pa-daNum | to irrigate |
7462 | *pu-daNum | to water, irrigate |
7463 | *danum-an | (gloss uncertain) |
7467 | *kuja | how?, how is it? what is the matter? |
7469 | *k<in>uja | what has been said/done (to cause someone to react)? |
7470 | *k<um>uja | (gloss uncertain) |
7471 | *ma-kuja | what are you doing? what’s happening? |
7478 | *sepsep | sip, suck |
7481 | *s<um>epsep | to suck, sip |
7483 | *sepsep-en | to be sucked up or in |
7489 | *guSam | a fungal disease of the oral tract: thrush |
7492 | *lajam | familiar with, accustomed to |
7493 | *ŋajan | name |
7500 | *pu-ŋajan | (gloss uncertain) |
7503 | *ŋilu | painful sensation in teeth, as from eating something sour |
7505 | *ma-ŋilu | painful, as of teeth on edge from eating something very sour |
7507 | *pakpak₁ | to clap, flap the wings; sound of clapping or flapping |
7509 | *paqa₁ | thigh |
7511 | *peReq | squeeze out juice, wring out water |
7513 | *peRes | squeeze out juice, extract liquid by squeezing |
7516 | *piSpiS | cheeks, temples |
7518 | *piRaS | roe, eggs of fish or crustacean |
7521 | *piRaS-an | be laden with roe, of a fish or crustacean |
7523 | *saleŋ | pine tree, pitch pine |
7524 | *pukaw | night-blindness, nyctalopia |
7525 | *ma-pukaw | dim, of vision |
7526 | *qa₂ | interrogative particle |
7528 | *laŋiC | sky |
7531 | *likaw | curve, bend, winding |
7532 | *pa-likaw | (gloss uncertain) |
7535 | *likud | back |
7536 | *pa-likud | (gloss uncertain) |
7539 | *likud-an | back area, place at the back? |
7540 | *liku-likud | (gloss uncertain) |
7541 | *liku-likud-an | (gloss uncertain) |
7542 | *luluj | shin |
7543 | *luluN | to roll up, as a mat |
7553 | *ŋusuq | nasal area; snout |
7559 | *susuN | to stack up |
7564 | *dataR | flat, flat or level land |
7566 | *ka-dataR-an | plain, region of level land |
7567 | *demdem₂ | gloom, darkness; dark, overcast, gloomy |
7569 | *ma-demdem | dark, overcast, gloomy |
7573 | *laŋaw | housefly |
7576 | *laŋaw-en | infested with flies, covered with flies |
7581 | *Rudaŋ | old, of people |
7589 | *zalan | path, made by a human as opposed to an animal; way or means to do something |
7593 | *ka-zalan-an | improvised trail, trail made by passing through? |
7595 | *za-zalan | (gloss uncertain) |
7597 | *zalan-an | passageway, place where one has walked |
7598 | *zalan-zalan | small path or trail |
7605 | *zaRum | needle |
7611 | *gayaŋ | hunting spear |
7612 | *gemgem | fist; hold in the fist |
7615 | *peceq₁ | break into several large pieces |
7625 | *susu₁ | female breast; udder |
7629 | *pa-susu | give the breast to, nurse a child |
7630 | *pa-susu-en | to nurse, give a child the breast (to be sucked) |
7631 | *s<um>usu | to suckle, suck at the breast |
7640 | *kuCux | head louse |
7642 | *ma-kuCu | (gloss uncertain) |
7649 | *k<um>uCu | to delouse |
7667 | *luSeq | tears |
7669 | *maR-luSeq | to shed tears, weep |
7675 | *pajay | rice in the field; rice plant |
7676 | *ka-pajay-an | (gloss uncertain) |
7685 | *duma | someone; other people; be different |
7698 | *n-ita | 1st pers. incl. genitive; our |
7699 | *iten₃ | we (incl.) |
7701 | *kita | we (incl.) |
7702 | *kalih | a hole in the ground; to dig up, excavate, as tubers |
7705 | *ka-kalih | digging stick |
7708 | *k<um>ali | to dig up, excavate, as tubers |
7709 | *k<in>alih-an | place that has been dug up |
7712 | *kaRaC | to bite |
7716 | *kaRaC-i | bite (imperative) |
7718 | *ma-kaRaC | to be bitten |
7720 | *k<um>aRaC | to bite |
7722 | *k<in>aRaC-an | the bite of an animal |
7723 | *kaRaw₁ | to scratch an itch |
7724 | *k<um>aRaw | to scratch an itch |
7731 | *kati₁ | exhortation to call a person or animal |
7748 | *depah | fathom |
7768 | *ala-en | be taken |
7773 | *C<um>aŋis | to weep, cry, mourn |
7774 | *Caŋis-an | to cry over something or someone |
7783 | *punti₁ | banana |
7786 | *ma-ala | be fetched, be taken |
7787 | *um-ala | to fetch, get, take |
7789 | *nunuh | female breast |
7794 | *kaSiw | wood; tree |
7802 | *k<um>aSiw | (gloss uncertain) |
7806 | *kaSiw-en | (gloss uncertain) |
7808 | *kaSi-kaSiw | wooded, having lots of trees |
7812 | *tiaN | abdomen, belly |
7817 | *liseqeS | nit, egg of a hair louse |
7822 | *paNiŋ | door |
7828 | *ai₃ | come |
7829 | *um-ai | to come |
7838 | *Caqu | to know how, be able to, be skilled at |
7841 | *ma-Caqu | to be capable, able, knowledgeable |
7843 | *Caqu-an | (gloss uncertain) |
7872 | *lakup | cover, wrapping |
7874 | *duSa | two |
7877 | *da-duSa | two, of people |
7879 | *du-duSa | (gloss uncertain) |
7892 | *mi-da-duSa | do something with someone else, perform an action together |
7893 | *paka-duSa | twice, do something twice |
7897 | *pin-duSa | (gloss uncertain) |
7899 | *Sika-duSa | second |
7906 | *duSa-en | be divided into two |
7909 | *duSa duSa | two by two, two at a time; two each |
7923 | *tumaNa | to hear, listen |
7924 | *pa-tumaNa | to make someone listen |
7925 | *t<um>umaNa | to hear, listen |
7931 | *CugCug₂ | knock or bump the head |
7933 | *C<um>ugCug | knock or bump the head |
7952 | *tebuS | sugarcane: Saccharum officinarum |
7957 | *tukud | prop, support |
7960 | *aken₁ | 1sg oblique |
7961 | *asaŋ₃ | village |
7962 | *amen | 1pl ex oblique |
7967 | *NiSawa | breath; to breathe |
7984 | *ŋaŋa₂ | open the mouth |
8002 | *kumiS | pubic hair |
8008 | *kaen | eat |
8010 | *ma-kaen | will eat (?) |
8015 | *pa-kaen | to feed |
8016 | *pa-kaen-en | to feed, be fed |
8020 | *p<in>a-kaen | was fed by someone |
8021 | *Si-kaen | instrument used for eating |
8023 | *ka-kaen-an | place where one eats |
8024 | *ka-kaen-en | edible things, food |
8025 | *k<in>aen | was eaten; what was eaten |
8027 | *k<um>aen | to eat |
8030 | *kaen-an | place where one eats; food |
8031 | *k<in>aen-an | what was eaten; food |
8032 | *kaen-ay | will eat |
8033 | *kaen-en | be eaten by someone; cooked rice |
8036 | *kaen-i | eat it! |
8047 | *pijax | interrogative of quantity: how much?, how many?; adjective of indefinite quantity: some, several, a few |
8052 | *maka-pija | (for) how many days? |
8053 | *pa-pija | how many? (of people) |
8056 | *pija pija | some, several |
8067 | *waSaw | leaf |
8079 | *damaR₁ | tree resin used in torches (?) |
8087 | *dekeC | paste, adhesive (probably made of overcooked rice) |
8091 | *pa-dekeC | to stick or paste on |
8110 | *Nasu | cook by boiling |
8112 | *piliq | to choose, to select; to pick out |
8116 | *ma-piliq | (gloss uncertain) |
8123 | *ka-piliq-an | (gloss uncertain) |
8126 | *p<um>iliq | to choose, select, pick out |
8129 | *piliq-i | choose it! |
8131 | *pipi₂ | female genitalia (child’s word?) |
8137 | *taRaq₁ | hewing with an adze |
8140 | *t<um>aRaq | to adze wood, hew wood with an adze |
8142 | *taRaq-i | Adze it!, Hew it! |
8147 | *ŋeCŋeC | gnash the teeth |
8156 | *lahuN | steam, vapor |
8157 | *Rahap | seeds for sowing |
8158 | *R<um>ahap | to sow seeds |
8159 | *taNaS | village; place of residence |
8172 | *labaw₁ | rat |
8177 | *lawaq₂ | spider; spiderweb |
8184 | *pasek | wooden nail, dowel; drive in, as a wooden nail, dowel, or fencepost |
8208 | *SeReC | to bind tightly; belt |
8210 | *ma-SeReC | tight, firm |
8213 | *S<um>eReC | tighten, fasten firmly |
8237 | *giŋgiŋ | cold, shivering |
8245 | *k<um>etun | chop up, as firewood |
8248 | *deŋeR | to hear; sound |
8265 | *guris | line; scratch a line |
8266 | *putun₂ | to break off, cut off, as a limb |
8293 | *suksuk | pierce, penetrate; insert |
8298 | *s<um>uksuk | to enter, penetrate, pierce |
8310 | *pitu₁ | seven |
8314 | *maka-pitu | (gloss uncertain) |
8316 | *pa-pitu | seven (of humans) |
8318 | *pi-pitu | seven each |
8321 | *saka-pitu | (gloss uncertain) |
8322 | *Sika-pitu | seventh |
8324 | *ti-pitu | (gloss uncertain) |
8325 | *ka-pitu-an | seventh month (?) |
8327 | *pitu pitu | seven by seven, seven at a time |
8357 | *tuduR | to sleep |
8360 | *ma-tuduR | to sleep |
8373 | *tuNa | freshwater eel |
8375 | *zaRami | rice straw |
8380 | *Naŋuy | to swim |
8382 | *N<um>aŋuy | to swim |
8386 | *tulani | bamboo nose flute |
8414 | *telu | three |
8420 | *ka-telu | (gloss uncertain) |
8424 | *ma-telu | (gloss uncertain) |
8434 | *Sika-telu | third |
8437 | *ta-telu | three (of humans) |
8455 | *tubah | a plant with roots that are pounded and put in rivers to stun fish: Derris elliptica |
8460 | *t<um>uba | to stun fish with plant poison |
8465 | *kulaC | bracket fungus, Polyporus spp. |
8475 | *Rusuk | ribcage |
8485 | *sikux | elbow |
8491 | *s<um>iku | to elbow; to push or jab with the elbow |
8505 | *tuqaS | old, of people; primary forest, old forest |
8512 | *tuqaS tuqaS | older people, elders |
8514 | *ma-tuqaS tuqaS | old, elder, senior |
8522 | *qeCqeC | tight, constricted |
8527 | *kita₂ | to see |
8531 | *pa-kita | to show |
8532 | *k<um>ita | to see |
8533 | *kita-en | be seen by someone (?) |
8539 | *nimas | bailer in a canoe |
8546 | *ŋerŋer | growl |
8555 | *ŋesŋes | to pant, be out of breath |
8556 | *ŋetŋet | gnaw, nibble |
8564 | *ŋidaw | toothless |
8565 | *paen | bait |
8580 | *garuC | comb |
8583 | *g<um>aruC | to comb |
8594 | *ŋawŋaw | sound produced by an animal; unintelligible muttering of a person |
8595 | *ŋiCŋiC | show annoyance or irritation |
8598 | *ŋusŋus | to snore, growl, grunt |
8601 | *maCa | eye, focal point, center or most prominent part |
8606 | *m<in>aCa | open-eyed (?) |
8614 | *Cau nu maCa | pupil of the eye (‘person of the eye’) |
8628 | *mata nu qalejaw | sun (‘eye of the day’) |
8647 | *pukpuk | to hammer, pound, beat |
8656 | *punay | greenish fruit dove |
8658 | *puna-punay | greenish fruit dove |
8670 | *putput₁ | to pluck, pull out |
8673 | *ma-Nipis | thin (of materials) |
8693 | *na₃ | genitive of plural personal names |
8717 | *kelem | dark, overcast, visually obscure |
8734 | *tenun | to weave (cloth) |
8735 | *ta-tenun-an | loom |
8736 | *t<in>enun | was woven by someone; what was woven |
8737 | *t<um>enun | to weave |
8738 | *tenun-an | loom |
8739 | *t<in>enun-an | woven cloth |
8741 | *tinun | to weave cloth |
8742 | *tenun-en | to be woven by someone |
8745 | *mamah | father’s brother |
8750 | *zawa₂ | millet sp.: Setaria italica (?) |
8752 | *ma-₁ | stative prefix |
8753 | *ma-₂ | future prefix |
8754 | *Na₂ | already |
8759 | *labiq | excess, surplus |
8764 | *ŋalŋal | to chew, masticate |
8769 | *-ku | 1sg genitive (marker of non-subject agency and possession; my; by me) |
8773 | *kilala | to know (a person), recognize, be acquainted with; to feel, perceive |
8781 | *ni | genitive case marker for singular personal names and pronouns; marker of possession, part-to-whole relationships, and agency of a non-actor voice verb |
8782 | *si₁ | nominative case marker for singular personal names or kin terms used as personal names |
8785 | *ki- | prefixed to a noun means ‘to get, obtain, collect, gather’ (noun) |
8787 | *ki₂ | oblique case marker for personal nouns |
8789 | *mu- | movement prefix |
8790 | *-nu₂ | 2sg possessor and non-subject agent |
8795 | *baCaR | broomcorn millet: Panicum miliaceum |
8796 | *di | locative case marker (probably for singular personal names; cf. *da, *du) |
8797 | *da | locative case marker (probably for plural personal names; cf. *di, *du) |
8800 | *ka₃ | oblique case marker for plural personal names |
8801 | *ku | oblique of common nouns (cf. *ki, *ka) |
8802 | *nu₃ | genitive case marker for common nouns (cf. *na, *ni) |
8809 | *sa₁ | nominative case marker for plural personal names |
8810 | *su | nominative case marker for common nouns |
8812 | *pa₁ | still, yet, til now, first (before doing something else) |
8820 | *tuzuq₁ | to point at, point out; give directions |
8827 | *pa-tuzuq | to point out, give directions (?) |
8831 | *t<um>uzuq | to point at, point out, lecture or instruct, give advice |
8833 | *tuzuq-en | be pointed at, be pointed out |
8840 | *ni-ima | whose? |
8841 | *si-ima | who? |
8842 | *garaŋ₁ | fierce, intense, as of appetite or temper |
8860 | *Nipis | thinness (of materials) |
8876 | *gumuN | body hair |
8883 | *keRan₁ | scab on a wound |
8884 | *keRaŋ₃ | dry |
8890 | *qali-puju-an | hair whorl |
8891 | *kikuR | tail |
8896 | *tusuk | pierce, skewer or string together |
8898 | *paNid | wing |
8900 | *daRiq | soil, probably clay |
8905 | *seksek₁ | to stuff, cram in; be crowded |
8912 | *selem₁ | sink, immerse oneself in water, dive into the water; to set, of the sun |
8913 | *tektek₁ | chopping to pieces, cutting up, as meat or vegetables |
8916 | *t<in>ektek | was chopped up |
8917 | *t<um>əktək | to chop, hack, cut off |
8918 | *tektek-en | be chopped into pieces, be minced, as meat or vegetables; what is chopped up or minced |
8920 | *kapit | fasten together by sewing or tying |
8921 | *kakak | caw, cackle |
8931 | *tuked | prop, support |
8944 | *s<um>ebuS | to hiss or steam, of water touching a fire |
8949 | *sebu | bladder |
9000 | *qa-lima | hand |
9002 | *geCel | to pinch |
9004 | *getil | to pinch |
9026 | *tutuh | beat, pound, bump, thump |
9031 | *lipet | to fold, fold over |
9050 | *bakaŋ₁ | bowlegged |
9053 | *pitpit₂ | pinch, squeeze, press between two surfaces; pluck, pick off |
9054 | *pitpit-en | be pinched, squeezed, or pressed |
9074 | *quyaS | to sing; song, tune, melody |
9075 | *sabay₁ | do something together with others |
9079 | *kaŋkaŋ₂ | resounding sound |
9087 | *suked | prop, support; to prop up or support |
9091 | *siRup | to sip, as through a straw |
9102 | *sabsab | slurp up food or water, eat like a pig or dog; gulp down |
9110 | *(q)uNah | first, before, anterior in time |
9111 | *(q)<um>uNah | to do or go first; to lead |
9145 | *ma-kuliC | skinny, thin, underweight |
9146 | *aŋay | departure (?) |
9147 | *um-aŋay | to leave, depart (?) |
9153 | *liduŋ | shelter, cover, protection; shade |
9156 | *saheNaR | to shine, of the sun |
9158 | *sakut | to carry, transport, move something |
9159 | *s<um>akut | to carry, transport, move something |
9164 | *Siwa | nine |
9168 | *Sika-Siwa | ninth |
9170 | *u-Siwa | nine (of things?) |
9176 | *baRaŋ | rib (?) |
9177 | *bukuN | back (anat.) |
9180 | *kepit | press together; pressed together |
9183 | *kukuŋ₁ | small bird that produces a deep resounding call |
9184 | *kuŋkuŋ₁ | deep resounding sound; slit-gong, hollowed tree trunk used to send messages |
9197 | *saqit | hook; to hang up |
9217 | *sipit | tongs, pincers, claw of a crab or lobster; to pinch or squeeze |
9239 | *banaw | lake |
9244 | *sapaq₁ | stream, river |
9249 | *kudeŋ | clay cooking pot |
9255 | *sapet | grab with the hand, catch |
9276 | *saNiw | whetstone |
9304 | *suRuq₂ | to call on a person to do something |
9323 | *siwsiw | to cheep; baby chick |
9434 | *taNah | red |
9446 | *sequŋ | horn of an animal |
9447 | *ReŋeC | angry, annoyed |
9461 | *pa-₂ | causative prefix |
9463 | *pa-ka- | causative of stative verbs |
9473 | *wanaN | right (side, hand, direction) |
9475 | *ka-wanaN | right (side, hand, direction) |
9501 | *sepiq | break off fruit or branches |
9514 | *sa₂ | locative marker |
9538 | *seŋet₂ | to sting or bite, of an insect |
9545 | *sa₃ | one (clitic form of *esa) |
9560 | *suli₂ | to reverse, turn around |
9567 | *siap | chick |
9590 | *salaw | to pour, of heavy rain |
9591 | *samaq | remnant, leftover |
9595 | *suiq | a bird: the sandpiper (?) |
9609 | *C<um>apu | to sweep |
9620 | *sapay | drape over the shoulder or from a line, as a cloth |
9629 | *saput₂ | to pick up with something to avoid getting dirty or burned |
9635 | *siwaq | fissure, split in something |
9640 | *sulud₂ | push |
9641 | *s<um>ulud | to push |
9702 | *ami | 1pl. excl. nominative pronoun, we (exclusive) |
9703 | *i-ami | 1pl. excl. nominative, we |
9705 | *k-ami | 1pl. excl. nominative pronoun, we (exclusive) |
9707 | *n-ami | 1pl. excl. genitive, our |
9708 | *amu | 2pl. nominative pronoun |
9709 | *k-amu | 2pl. nominative, you all |
9711 | *n-amu | 2pl. genitive, your, by you |
9712 | *kamu-yu | 2pl. nominative, you all |
9725 | *suŋa | do wrong, do in reverse |
9727 | *ka-₂ | stative marker in irrealis constructions, counterpart to *ma- in realis constructions |
9730 | *ka-₅ | formative for abstract nouns of quality |
9736 | *ka- -an₁ | marker of the adversative passive |
9737 | *ka- -an₂ | formative for nouns of location |
9738 | *ka- -an₃ | formative for abstract nouns (often deverbal) |
9742 | *kaka₂ | elder sibling |
9746 | *kabal₁ | clothing |
9748 | *kabaR | clothing |
9756 | *kabus₂ | shrimp, lobster |
9758 | *samuR | to mix; mixture |
9764 | *kaSu | 2sg., you |
9766 | *i-kaSu | 2sg., you |
9776 | *kawayan | bamboo, Bambusa spp., probably Bambusa spinosa |
9778 | *kurap | ringworm |
9787 | *kaija | when? (in the past) |
9794 | *kaRi₁ | word, speech, language |
9799 | *katkat₂ | come undone, of stitches |
9802 | *kiwkiw | to wave, wag (tail); to stir (people) up |
9829 | *karus | to scratch, scrape |
9836 | *kiskis | to shave, scrape off |
9845 | *kumeS | pubic hair |
9850 | *kutkut₂ | scrape off |
9932 | *kipit | narrow; pinch between tongs, etc. |
9977 | *kezuC | to jerk suddenly, jump when startled |
10020 | *kurkur | dig in the soil |
10059 | *kiŋeR | to hear |
10073 | *kali- | prefix for words with a sensitive reference to the spirit world (cf. *qali-) |
10074 | *qali- | prefix for words with a sensitive reference to the spirit world (cf. *kali-) |
10079 | *kemkem₂ | bite down hard |
10101 | *kaluŋkuŋ | deep resounding sound |
10103 | *-meCaq | paddy leech |
10104 | *qaNi-meCaq | paddy leech |
10116 | *keret | to sever, cut off |
10227 | *qalima | hand |
10249 | *katawa | castor bean: Ricinus communis L. |
10270 | *ta-₁ | 1pl. incl. nominative and hortative pronoun |
10272 | *-ta | 1pl. incl. genitive suffix |
10286 | *taR- | prefix marking spontaneous or involuntary action |
10313 | *tabukul | casting net for fishing |
10336 | *tabtab₂ | slurp up food or water; eat like a pig or dog; gulp down |
10356 | *tabi | plough |
10390 | *takes₁ | to wrap around; embrace, hug |
10430 | *taktak₁ | to fall, of many things at once; to dislodge the contents of a container by knocking it against something |
10472 | *tekep | a cover; to cover with a flat surface |
10497 | *tukul | to sprout, begin to grow |
10504 | *tastas | sever, cut through, rip out stitches |
10522 | *Su- | take off, remove (+ noun) |
10523 | *tata₁ | collateral consanguine of the first ascending generation |
10524 | *taktak₂ | clatter, clack |
10535 | *pu-Caqi | to defecate |
10553 | *tudiŋ | to point out |
10554 | *pi- | causative of location |
10555 | *pu- | causative of motion |
10559 | *CuŋCuŋ | make a booming sound |
10560 | *Cuzuq | index finger |
10568 | *tiR(e)peS | spittle |
10573 | *tuktuk₃ | to knock, pound, beat; crush |
10640 | *taku₂ | dipper, scoop; to scoop, ladle up |
10674 | *turis | scratch a line, make a long shallow cut |
10690 | *ikud | to sit |
10692 | *ramig | cold (of weather) |
10693 | *Si-₃ | to wear, put on clothes, etc. |
10710 | *Caŋelaj | elephant grass, miscanthus grass: Themeda gigantea |
10733 | *tukad₂ | sloping upward; to climb a mountain |
10759 | *tekuŋ₂ | to rap, knock, make a booming sound |
10760 | *timaNa | to hear, listen |
10761 | *t<um>imaNa | to hear, listen |
10814 | *taina | female, of animals |
10820 | *tutur₂ | cooing of a dove |
10821 | *tutut | sparrow or similar bird |
10827 | *piak | baby chick; peeping of chick |
10846 | *mi- | prefix marking possession of some object |
10860 | *padeŋ | to extinguish, douse a fire |
10862 | *piNay | lame, crippled |
10863 | *ma-piNay | lame, crippled |
10877 | *uReŋ | horn of an animal |
10889 | *pa-pespes | to massage |
10890 | *p<in>espes | was massaged by someone |
10891 | *pespes-i | massage (imperative) |
10894 | *p<um>ekpek | (gloss uncertain) |
10897 | *lekuq₁ | bend; bending part, joint |
10913 | *pispis₁ | hair on the temples |
10917 | *pitpit₃ | to beat, whip |
10931 | *beNelem | overcast, twilight |
10991 | *ŋajay | saliva, drivel |
11005 | *p<um>ataS | to tattoo, make designs |
11006 | *pataS-an | an instrument for tattooing |
11012 | *pisel | pinch, squeeze; knead |
11016 | *pudu | fruit of the betel pepper |
11019 | *keseR | strength, vigor, force |
11020 | *ma-keseR | strong, vigorous, energetic, forceful |
11021 | *pa-ka-keseR | (gloss uncertain) |
11114 | *qaNeb | close a door |
11116 | *qaNeb-an | door panel |
11175 | *puluŋ | collection, gathering, assembly |
11213 | *pasuk | enter |
11338 | *paqeju | gall, gall bladder |
11383 | *Sa-₁ | stative prefix |
11425 | *lapaq | to cut up, butcher, slaughter an animal |
11460 | *litlit | wind around, bind by winding around |
11461 | *ma-litlit | be or become wound around something |
11462 | *pa-litlit | to make something wind around something else |
11527 | *lasuq₁ | hot; blistered by heat |
11541 | *lipas | to pass, pass by |
11546 | *lipuC | disappear behind something that envelops or blocks the view |
11589 | *lutay | weak, exhausted |
11638 | *nu- | future marker with words for days |
11643 | *lawas₃ | internode of bamboo; section of something |
11645 | *ledep | to dive, swim under water |
11646 | *l<um>edep | to dive, swim under water |
11647 | *ledled | to rub the eyes |
11654 | *kauS | scoop up, as with a fish net |
11655 | *k<um>auS | to scoop up, as with a fish net |
11661 | *i-aku | 1sg., I, me |
11663 | *lidam | tongue |
11687 | *bunaj | sand |
11688 | *Ceked | to rest, take a break from work or other activity |
11699 | *qali-puspus | whirlwind |
11703 | *SekuC | hunched over, stoop-shouldered |
11715 | *-medaw | dizzy, giddy |
11727 | *lalay | cicada |
11752 | *ma-tuqaS | old, of people |
11755 | *lakat₂ | walk, take a step |
11768 | *k-ita | we (incl.) |
11771 | *labeR₂ | roam freely, of domesticated animals that are untethered |
11782 | *l<um>udaq | to spit |
11785 | *laway | thread, yarn |
11787 | *alikas | quick, fast |
11788 | *ludaq | saliva |
11824 | *ma-b<in>ahi | female, woman |
11916 | *piku | bend, curve |
11953 | *luNuŋ | cloud |
12048 | *-waRwaR | rainbow |
12082 | *dapuR₂ | pile up, as stones |
12084 | *deŋdeŋ₂ | thunder; roaring or thunderous sound |
12091 | *i-amen | 1pl.ex oblique |
12104 | *atuR | stone wall |
12109 | *teneb | to immerse, put under water |
12110 | *tepeŋ₃ | to measure quantities, as amounts of grain |
12122 | *Cebej | spring of water, spring water |
12187 | *daNi | soon, presently; almost |
12244 | *hesek₂ | drive in stakes or posts |
12266 | *utan | taro variety |
12286 | *SuRay | to pass, of time; to pass time idly |
12290 | *zaRem | needle |
12310 | *ti | 1p deixis and spatial reference: this; here |
12351 | *tiktik₅ | to tattoo |
12352 | *t<um>iktik | to tattoo someone |
12501 | *zekzek | to tread, trample on |
12619 | *ni-ia | 3sg. genitive, his, her |
12644 | *imah | drink |
12645 | *um-imah | to drink |
12648 | *baleŋ₂ | preserve meat in salt or brine |
12662 | *bakaR | kind of basket |
12666 | *nuka | to make hemp yarn |
12676 | *Sa-₂ | marker of instrumental nouns |
12678 | *Selem | dark, dim |
12683 | *kaNawaS | a small tree bearing round, green fruit: Ehretia spp. |
12687 | *RiNuk | the Japanese raspberry: Rubus parvifolius (Linn.), Rubus taiwanianus (Matsum.) |
12715 | *paliSi-an | taboo |
12717 | *guCguC₂ | to scratch, as an itch |
12722 | *qajiS | boundary |
12725 | *t<um>ukad | to climb, as a mountain or steps |
12726 | *CuquR | a tree: Bischofia javanica |
12729 | *metmet | to hold tightly |
12730 | *numa | how? |
12731 | *Nayad | a plant: Sambucus formosana |
12733 | *RauS | scoop net |
12734 | *Ra-RauS | a dip net |
12739 | *lapus | untie (a knot), undress, remove clothes |
12746 | *teRteR | to tremble, shiver |
12747 | *ya | nominative case marker for singular common nouns |
12768 | *takep | to lay something on top of another |
12771 | *aSik | to sweep, remove trash |
12773 | *buleS | a tree, the Chinese or Philippine mahogany: Shorea albus Foxw. |
12775 | *buŋuh | head |
12776 | *damuq₂ | dew |
12777 | *kalaw₂ | eyebrow |
12779 | *tepik | pat, light slap |
12781 | *a(lR)im | pancreas, spleen |
12782 | *Nitaq | type of soil, clay |
12783 | *qalupaR | persimmon |
12784 | *qiSqiS | to rub hard on a surface |
12785 | *qulu-qulu | tadpole, polywog |
12786 | *qupid | braid |
12787 | *sipiŋ | supernumerary, as an extra finger or toe |
12788 | *tamuhuŋ | a hat, head covering |
12793 | *dukduk₄ | to thrust into a hole, as a stick to catch a crab |
12794 | *kahut | to take in one’s hand; handful |
12796 | *mudaq | young (of fruits); immature |
12798 | *dekdek₂ | to tamp down, compact something |
12802 | *pahpah | flower (?) |
12811 | *teRebeS | a tree: Zelkova formosana |
12814 | *upup | bullfrog |
12818 | *lubuk₃ | bag, sack |
12873 | *kebkeb₂ | to lie prone, face down |
12890 | *ma-qudem | dark, cloudy |