10 Results found for "Callas".


See also: callás callas plural of calla callas second-person singular present indicative of callar callas second-person singular present indicative of...


See also: callas callás second-person singular voseo present indicative of callar...


scriptorium.) Rhymes: -ælə calla (plural callas) A marsh plant native to cooler areas throughout the northern hemisphere, Calla palustris, having pale green...


See also: calla, callá, and callà From Latin calla, applied to the genus as early as 1737 by Carl Linnaeus, from a single mention in Pliny the Elder's...


See also: calla, Calla, and callà callá second-person singular voseo imperative of callar...


See also: calla, Calla, and callá callà third-person singular preterite indicative of callar...

calla lily

calla lily (plural calla lilies) A common name for certain flowering plants in the genus Zantedeschia; not related to either the genus Calla or the true...


McCallas plural of McCalla...

calla lilies

calla lilies plural of calla lily...


callaes feminine plural of calláu...