10 Results found for "Category:German_palindromes".

Category:German palindromes

languages  » German  » Terms by lexical property  » Terms by orthographic property  » Terms by their sequences of characters  » Palindromes German terms whose...

Category:German Low German palindromes

 » German Low German  » Terms by lexical property  » Terms by orthographic property  » Terms by their sequences of characters  » Palindromes German Low...

Category:Low German palindromes

 » Low German  » Terms by lexical property  » Terms by orthographic property  » Terms by their sequences of characters  » Palindromes Low German terms...

Category:Alemannic German palindromes

Alemannic German  » Terms by lexical property  » Terms by orthographic property  » Terms by their sequences of characters  » Palindromes Alemannic German terms...

Category:Pennsylvania German palindromes

Pennsylvania German  » Terms by lexical property  » Terms by orthographic property  » Terms by their sequences of characters  » Palindromes Pennsylvania German terms...

Category:Old High German palindromes

High German  » Terms by lexical property  » Terms by orthographic property  » Terms by their sequences of characters  » Palindromes Old High German terms...

Category:Middle High German palindromes

High German  » Terms by lexical property  » Terms by orthographic property  » Terms by their sequences of characters  » Palindromes Middle High German terms...

Category:Middle Low German palindromes

Low German  » Terms by lexical property  » Terms by orthographic property  » Terms by their sequences of characters  » Palindromes Middle Low German terms...

Category:East Central German palindromes

Central German  » Terms by lexical property  » Terms by orthographic property  » Terms by their sequences of characters  » Palindromes East Central German terms...

Category:German Low German terms by their sequences of characters

include certain sequences of characters. Category:German Low German palindromes: German Low German terms whose characters are read equally both from left...