10 Results found for "Malraux".


superlative most Malrucian) Pertaining to the life, works or literary style of André Malraux (1901–1976), French novelist and art theorist. Translations...


Christopher Hitchens, “André Malraux: One Man's Fate”, in New York Times Book Review: The price for all this chutzpah was that Malraux then had to take up the...


is sensible. 2005 April 10, Christopher Hitchens, “‘Malraux’: One man’s fate [review of Malraux: A Life (2005) by Olivier Todd]”, in The New York Times‎[1]:...


sadète m (plural sadètes) sadet 1930, André Malraux, La voie royale: le chef blac, Odend’hal, assommé à coups d’épieux, la nuit, par des hommes du sadète...


l'ordre de les ouvrir et de rendre tous les gages, sans contrepartie. (André Malraux, L'Espoir, 1937) compensation “contrepartie”, in Trésor de la langue française...


patronne f (plural patronnes) female owner madame (of a brothel) 1930, André Malraux, La voie royale: La patronne avait poussé vers Perken une fille toute jeune...


troublemaking) Causing trouble. 2005 April 10, Christopher Hitchens, “André Malraux: One Man's Fate”, in New York Times Book Review: Moving to Saignon in the...


plural munificents, feminine plural munificentes) munificent 1946, André Malraux, La Condition humaine, Folio Plus Classiques, published 2019, page 191:...


boys) (now historical, offensive) boy (non-white male servant) 1930, André Malraux, La Voie royale: Claude allait l’ouvrir mais le ton sur lequel le délégué...


1990, Axel Madsen, Silk Roads: The Asian Adventures of Clara and André Malraux: Only two years older than André, this bespectacled bookworm had, after...