Note: See also Template talk:fr-conj-auto.
Could someone add assentir? Conjugates like sentir, not like finir. Renard Migrant (talk) 23:52, 20 August 2016 (UTC)
Is there any intention to add support for reflex verbs? —JohnC5 05:01, 9 September 2016 (UTC)
@2WR1 I added support for specifying the pronunciation of verbs when pronunciation respelling is necessary. For example, slicer uses {{fr-conj-auto|pron=slailcer}}
. You can specify multiple pronunciations separated by commas, e.g. for knockouter: {{fr-conj-auto|pron=nocaouter,nocouter}}
and for aimer: {{fr-conj-auto|pron=émer,aimer}}
. Note that the latter case isn't quite right in the future and conditional; I'll fix this shortly. If you have a chance, can you fix up verbs that you know need respelling? The list of verbs that use {{fr-conj-auto}}
can be seen by looking at Special:WhatLinksHere/Template:fr-conj-auto. Thanks! Benwing2 (talk) 05:15, 10 September 2016 (UTC)
@2WR1, Renard Migrant, Angr, Kc kennylau Pinging those who might know ... Do these have /ɑ/ (as the spelling indicates) or /a/? Benwing2 (talk) 16:57, 11 September 2016 (UTC)
, i.e. it specifies the /mɑs/ part, and then the template code that implements {{fr-conj-1}}
adds all the endings, and it might be broken. Benwing2 (talk) 17:24, 11 September 2016 (UTC)
@2WR1 I had to fix this module so it could support ressortir, which is conjugated either like sortir or finir depending on the meaning. Are there any other verbs like this that have two conjugations? Benwing2 (talk) 08:30, 14 September 2016 (UTC)
Module:fr-verb currently has a long list of verbs that supposedly take either avoir or être in the passé composé. I'm pretty sure this list is almost completely wrong, and only a few verbs belong, e.g. descendre, passer. There's also a smaller list of verbs that supposedly take only être, which appears to be more or less correct. Could you look over the lists and let me know what they should actually contain? Thanks!
# List of verbs are conjugated using 'être' in the passé composé. local etre = { "aller", "alterner", "apparaître", "arriver", "décéder", "entrer", "rentrer", "mourir", "naitre", "naître", "renaitre", "renaître", "partir", "départir", "rester", "surmener", "tomber", "retomber", "venir", "advenir", "bienvenir", "devenir", "intervenir", "parvenir", "provenir", "redevenir", "revenir", "survenir" } # List of verbs that can be conjugated using either 'avoir' or 'être' in the # passé composé. local avoir_or_etre = { "abdiquer", "abonnir","absconder","abuser","abâtardir","accommoder","acculturer","adapter","adhærer","admirer","aguerrir","aider","aliter","alourdir","alphabétiser","amerrir","anémier","apparenter","aspirer","attrouper","ausculter", "balbutier","barbeler","batailler","bloguer","bosseler","bouillir","bouturer","buer", "cagouler","candir","cartonner","cascader","caserner","cauchemarder","ceindre","cintrer","circuler","coincer","commercer","commémorer","comparaître","confectionner","connaitre","consentir","conspuer","consterner","constituer","contorsionner","contrister","convoyer","couver","couvrir","crever", "demeurer","déchoir","descendre","diplômer","disparaitre","disparaître","dormir","déborder","décapitaliser","déceler","découvrir","déficeler","défier","dégeler","déglutir","délaver","délecter","démanteler","démasquer","dénationaliser","dénoncer","dépendre","dépuceler","déshabituer","désister","déstabiliser","détériorer","dévaler","dévitaliser", "effoirer","emmener","encabaner","encapsuler","encaquer","encartonner","encartoucher","encaster","encommencer","endetter","endormir","enferrer","engrisailler","enlever","enserrer","envier","envoiler", "fasciner","ferrer","filigraner","fouetter","fourmiller","fringuer","fucker","fureter", "gargariser","gascher","gausser","geler","gnoquer","grincer","gémir", "haleter","harasser","hâter","hæsiter","hésiter", "identifier","impartir","inquieter","insonoriser", "larder","larmoyer","lemmatiser","lever","lier", "malmener","marketer","marteler","matter","maugréer","mener","mentir","microprogrammer","mincir","modeler","modéliser","monitorer","monter","muloter","multiplier","méconnaître", "niveler","obvenir","omettre","orner", "pailler","paraitre","paraître","parfumer","parjurer","parsemer","passer","permettre","perpétuer","peser","poiler","promettre","præsumer","prætendre","prélever","préserver", "qualifier","rainurer","ramener","rebattre","reboiser","reclasser","recoiffer","recoller","recomparaître","redormir","redécouvrir","refusionner","regeler","relancer","relever","relier","remonter","rendormir","repartir","repasser","repatrier","repentir","respitier","ressentir","ressortir","ressouvenir","restaurer","restreindre","restructurer","retourner","retransmettre","retweeter","réagir","réapparaitre","réapparaître","réentendre","référencer", "savourer","sentir","siffler","simplifier","sortir","soupeser","spammer","subvenir","suspecter","synchroniser", "taire","tiédir", "volleyer","ædifier", "élancer","élever","éloigner","étriver" }
Benwing2 (talk) 06:35, 26 September 2016 (UTC)
@2WR1, Renard Migrant Benwing2 (talk) 06:37, 26 September 2016 (UTC)
local etre = { "aller", "apparaitre", "apparaître", "arriver", "entrer", "mourir", "naitre", "naître", "renaitre", "renaître", "partir", "repartir", "repasser", "rester", "surmener", "retomber", "venir", "advenir", "bienvenir", "devenir", "intervenir", "obvenir", "parvenir", "provenir", "redevenir", "revenir", "survenir" } -- List of verbs that can be conjugated using either 'avoir' or 'être' in the -- passé composé. FIXME: This should be in the template, not here. local avoir_or_etre = { "descendre", "monter", "paraitre", "paraître", "passer", "rentrer", "repartir", "ressortir", "retourner", "réapparaitre", "réapparaître", "sortir", "tomber" }
According to Larousse, Académie française and Lerobert as well as Appendix:French_irregular_verbs, the verbs accroître and décroître should conjugate differently from croître and recroître in that they should have circumflex accents only in the 3rd person singular present form (accroît), the future and conditional forms (accroîtrai, accroîtrais...) and the 1pl and 2pl past historic forms which have an accent on all verbs (accrûmes, accrûtes). Right now the conjugation template shows an accent for all past historic forms (accrûs, accrût...) as well subjunctive imperfect (accrûsse...) and the past participle (accrû) but I don't know how to modify the module to fix this. Malhonen (talk) 22:09, 15 April 2022 (UTC)
Currently avoir#Conjugation shows "auras or auras ¶ /ɔra/ or /ora/". Presumably we'd want "auras ¶ /ɔra/ or /ora". @Benwing2. Catonif (talk) 11:28, 28 May 2023 (UTC)
These sources give the imperfect indicative forms, and we can see some rare usage of these forms (for example éclosais)
And éclôt can also be written éclot cf. Larousse Sayoxime (talk) 18:09, 12 November 2024 (UTC)
Dictionaries mention the imperative of "valoir" as "vaux", "valons", "valez" Sayoxime (talk) 12:21, 23 January 2025 (UTC)