outside, exterior Chichewa (N31): -nja Swahili (G42): nje Southern Bantu: Proto-Nguni (): [Term?] Xhosa (S41): índlé Zulu (S42): îndlé ^ Entry 8928 at Bantu...
From Proto-Bantu *à-. *á- Class 1 subject concord, used in the subjunctive and potential mood. Zulu: a- From Proto-Bantu *gá-. *á- (medial *wá-) Class...
From Proto-Bantu *gɪ́-. *í- (medial *yí-) Class 4 subject concord. Northern Ndebele: i- Phuthi: i- Swazi: i- Xhosa: i- Zulu: i- From Proto-Bantu *jɪ́-...
From Proto-Bantu *kʊ̀-. *kú- Second-person singular object concord. Northern Ndebele: ku- Phuthi: ku- Swazi: ku- Xhosa: ku- Zulu: ku- From Proto-Bantu...
Shona (S10): -mwe Swahili (G42): -moja, mosi Kongo (H16): mosi Southern Bantu: Proto-Nguni (): *-nye Northern Ndebele (S44): -nye Phuthi (S404): -nye Swazi (S43):...
From Proto-Bantu *jʊ̀á-. *wá- Class 1 possessive concord. Northern Ndebele: wa- Phuthi: wa-, we- Swazi: wa-, we- Xhosa: wa- Zulu: wa- From Proto-Bantu...
From Proto-Bantu *ngʊ̀dʊ̀bè. *íngúlube class 9 pig Northern Ndebele: ingulube Swazi: íngúlûbe Zulu: ingulûbe...
Proto-Bantu *bá-. *bá- Class 2 subject concord. Class 2 object concord. Northern Ndebele: ba- Phuthi: ba- Swazi: ba- Xhosa: ba- Zulu: ba- From Proto-Bantu...
From Proto-Bantu *ngùbʊ́. *ímvubú class 9 hippopotamus Northern Ndebele: ímvubú Swazi: ímvubú Xhosa: ímvubú Zulu: ímvubú...
From Proto-Bantu *ngòmà. *íngoma class 9 song Northern Ndebele: ingoma Swazi: íngoma Xhosa: íngoma Zulu: íngoma...