“*bHV̆rgĂ”, in A North Caucasian Etymological Dictionary[1], Moscow: Asterisk Publishers Chirikba, Viacheslav A. (1996) Common West Caucasian: The Reconstruction...
related to Proto-Northeast Caucasian *wǝmc̣ːo (“moon; month”). *məzá moon month Proto-Abkhaz-Abaza: *mǝzə́ (see there for further descendants) Proto-Circassian:...
Possibly related to Proto-Northeast Caucasian *pɨrV (“to fly”). *pərə to fly Proto-Abkhaz-Abaza: *pərə Abaza: пырра́ (pərrá) Abkhaz: а́ԥырра (ápərra) Ubykh:...
Possibly related to Proto-Northeast Caucasian *ħVmć̣V (“fear, fright”), with conversion from *b-Hǝ̃ćá. *ṗǝ̃ćá a lie Proto-Abkhaz-Abaza: *mǝćǝ́ (see there...
Ubykh: гьы (gʲə) ^ Nikolaev, Sergei L., Starostin, Sergei A. (1994) A North Caucasian Etymological Dictionary[1], Moscow: Asterisk Publishers: “*ǵʷǝ”...
Ubykh: səʁʷá ^ Nikolaev, Sergei L., Starostin, Sergei A. (1994) “*zō”, in A North Caucasian Etymological Dictionary[1], Moscow: Asterisk Publishers...
related to Proto-Northeast Caucasian *χʕāmV (“skin”) and/or Proto-Kartvelian *qaml- (“leather”). *C-qːamǝ́ fur *t/d-qːamǝ *qamə *tqamə́ Proto-Abkhaz-Abaza:...
Ubykh: wǝʁʷá ^ Nikolaev, Sergei L., Starostin, Sergei A. (1994) “*uō”, in A North Caucasian Etymological Dictionary[1], Moscow: Asterisk Publishers...
From Proto-Northwest Caucasian [Term?]. IPA(key): /aˈʕə/ *aʕə́ eight Abaza: агӏба́ (aʻbá) Abkhaz: ааба́ (aabá)...
descendants) ^ Nikolaev, Sergei L., Starostin, Sergei A. (1994) “*ɦen(V)š_wĭ”, in A North Caucasian Etymological Dictionary[1], Moscow: Asterisk Publishers...