From Proto-Mon-Khmer *pʔus. *k-ʔoːs Viet-Muong: Vietnamese: ổi (“guava”) → Bahnar: ôi (“guava”) Muong: ối Central Vietic: Rục: kăʔoːl⁴...
Proto-Vietic: *t-ruːj / t-ruːs ~ k-luːs (Ferlus, 2007) *t-ruːj to boil *t-ruːj boiling Arem: urṳh Chut: Rục: kuluːlʰ³ Sách: tuluːl³ Kha Pong: turuːj⁵⁶...
Proto-Vietic: *k-rɔːrʔ ~ kʰlɔːrʔ (Ferlus, 2007) *k-rɔːrʔ dhole Arem: kərɑːlʔ Chut: Rục: krɔːl³ Sách: tlɔːl³ Kha Pong: ʈɔːl⁴ Malieng: kəlɔːɯ³ Proto-Pong:...
From Proto-Austroasiatic. In Northern Vietic (Viet-Muong), the velar nasal in the rime *-iːŋ fronted to -iɲ, hence the reconstruction *ciɲ in (Ferlus...
Proto-Vietic: *ciɲ (Ferlus, 2007) *ciɲ leg, foot Arem: cìɲ Chut Rục: ciːŋ² Sách: ciːŋ² Proto-Pong: *ciːŋ² (Ferlus, 2007) Phong: ciːŋ Toum: ciːŋ Thavung:...
while Diffloth (1992) proposed Vietic and Aslian forms such as Jehai weʔ, Semnam wɔːʔ (for correspondence between Vietic *k vs. zero-initial in other Austroasiatic...
*blùn). From Proto-Mon-Khmer *(b)ruun. *p-luːn earthworm Kha Pong: puluːn² Malieng: pəluːn² Thavung: maluːn² Tho: Cuối Chăm: pluːn² Southern Vietic: Kri: palṳːn...
Related to Proto-Vietic *mɛːŋʔ (“mouth”). *-mɛːŋʔ mouthful piece Arem: mɛːɲʔ Chứt: Sách: mɛːŋ³ Rục: mɛːŋ³ Thổ: Cuối Chăm: mɛːŋ³ Làng Lỡ: maɲ³ Pong: *mɛːŋ³...
Proto-Vietic: *diː / tiː (Ferlus, 2007) *tiː to go Arem: tìː Chut: Rục: tiː² Sách: tiː² Thavung: tiː² Tho: Cuối Chăm: tiː² Làng Lỡ: tiː² Viet-Muong: Muong:...
Proto-Vietic: *c-ruː ~ kʰluː (Ferlus, 2007) From Proto-Mon-Khmer *ɟruuʔ ~ *ɟruh ~ *rɟuh (“deep”). *c-ruː deep Arem: cirùː Chut: Rục: ʈuː² Sách: ʈuː² Kha...