10 Results found for "Template:Kore".


imply the endorsement by the template creator. {{CJKV-forms|TRAD|SIMP|JPAN|KORE}} Example: {{CJKV-forms|級|级|級|級}} Example output should be shown at the bottom‐right...

Template:list:moons of Jupiter/en

Erinome, Aoede, Kallichore, Kalyke, Carme, Callirrhoe, Eurydome, Pasithee, Kore, Cyllene, Eukelade, Pasiphaë, Hegemone, Arche, Isonoe, Sinope, Sponde, Autonoe...

Template:list:countries of Asia/tr

Filipinler, Güney Kore, Gürcistan, Hindistan, Irak, İran, İsrail, Japonya, Kamboçya, Katar, Kazakistan, Kıbrıs, Kuveyt, Kuzey Kore, Kırgızistan, Laos...

Template:list:moons of Jupiter/ru

Каллиро́е (Kalliróje), Эвридо́ме (Evridóme), Пазифе́е (Paziféje), Ко́ре (Kóre), Килле́не (Killéne), Эвкела́де (Evkeláde), Паси́фе (Pasífe), Гегемо́не (Gegemóne)...


logophorical person, 2nd-person honorific, etc. See Ainu grammar. Conjugation of kore (ditransitive, 3-slot) †1st-person plurals are exclusive. Inclusive 1st-person...


the singular noun uses j in third-person, provide j, otherwise blank az ő köre - his/her circle az ő erődje - his/her fortress 3= ei or jei, the third-person...


the singular noun uses j in third-person, provide j, otherwise blank az ő köre - his/her circle az ő erődje - his/her fortress 3= ei or jei, the third-person...


iránt iránta az/ez iránt mi iránt az-/eziránt – c to around köré köré(je) a/e köré mi köré a-/eköré – around körül körülötte a/e körül mi körül a-/ekörül...


phonetic transcription unlike with Spanish. correo IPA(key): /koˈreo/, [koˈre.o] fuego IPA(key): /ˈpweɡo/, [ˈpwe.ɡo] joven IPA(key): /ˈxoben/, [ˈxo.bẽn]...