10 Results found for "User:Nick_Levinson".

User:Matthias Buchmeier/German frequency list-80001-85000

Liberté 6 Liberalen 6 li 6 lhrse 6 Lhrem 6 Lezama 6 leyasus 6 Levoi 6 Levinson 6 Levantate 6 Leuchtturmwärter 6 Leuchttürme 6 Leuchtendes 6 letzes 6 Lethal...

User:JeffDoozan/lists/bare quotes/errors

Company ({{ISBN|9780826142870}}), page 239: deixis #* '''2006''', Stephen C. Levinson, "Dexis", chapter 5 of ''The Handbook of Pragmatics'', Laurence R. Horn...


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