See also: guarnecereis and guarnecêreis guarneceréis second-person plural future indicative of guarnecer...
also: guarnecereis and guarneceréis guarnecêreis (reintegrationist norm) second-person plural pluperfect indicative of guarnecer guarnecêreis second-person...
See also: guarneceréis and guarnecêreis guarnecereis (reintegrationist norm) second-person plural future indicative of guarnecer guarnecereis second-person...
guarnecerei first-person singular future indicative of guarnecer guarnecerei first-person singular future indicative of guarnecer...
guarnecieron future guarneceré guarnecerás guarnecerá guarneceremos guarneceréis guarnecerán conditional guarnecería guarnecerías guarnecería guarneceríamos...