10 Results found for "words-with-Ud".


See also: UD, , úd, üd, ǖd, 'ud, Ud, Ud., and уд udu From Latin ūdus. ud wet ud m urine chishat From Late Latin ūdō, from Latin ūdus. Compare Romanian...


also: ud, UD, , üd, ǖd, 'ud, Ud., and уд oud (archaic) Inherited from Old Czech úd, from Proto-Slavic *udъ. IPA(key): [ˈuːt] Hyphenation: úd úd m inan...


See also: ud, UD, úd, üd, ǖd, and Ud. IPA(key): /uːd/ 'ud (plural 'uds) Alternative form of oud (stringed instrument) IPA(key): /əd/ 'ud (dialectal) Nonstandard...


IPA(key): /uːð/ Rhymes: -uːð úð f (genitive singular úðar, nominative plural úðir) mind, opinion Synonyms: hugur, hyggja declension of úð andúð (“antipathy”)...


sections are normally restricted to the Latin script form, and that derivatives of prefixed words are generally omitted. Pali terms prefixed with ud-...

hælde vand ud af ørene

hælde vand ud af ørene ("pour water out one's ears") (derogatory) to engage in idle talk; to say many words without expressing much substance (derogatory)...


/uːd/ → // → // (5th BCE Attic) IPA(key): /uːd/ (1st CE Egyptian) IPA(key): /ud/ (4th CE Koine) IPA(key): // (10th CE Byzantine) IPA(key): //...


Bulgarian уд (ud, “limb”), Serbo-Croatian у̑д (“limb”), у́до (“piece of meat”), Slovene úd (“limb”) (tonal orthography), Czech úd (“limb”), Slovak úd (“limb”)...


IPA(key): /ɡluːd/ Rhymes: -uːd glued simple past and past participle of glue luged...


IPA(key): /hjuːd/ Rhymes: -uːd hewed past participle of hew...