/ˈɪːvɪrˌheiːtɪ/ yfirheiti n (genitive singular yfirheitis, nominative plural yfirheiti) hypernym Antonym: undirheiti Declension of yfirheiti (neuter, based...
undirheiti n (genitive singular undirheitis, nominative plural undirheiti) hyponym Antonym: yfirheiti Declension of undirheiti (neuter, based on heiti)...
undir Derived terms fara eins og logi yfir akur líða yfir sofa yfir sig yfirheiti yfirfyll yfirmaður yfirráð yfirvald From Proto-Germanic *ubiri, from Proto-Indo-European...
Hungarian: hiperonima (hu), fölérendelt fogalom/szó/név/kifejezés Icelandic: yfirheiti (is) n Indonesian: hipernim Irish: scáth-théarma m Italian: iperonimo (it) m...