DescriptionAntigen presenting cell activation ku.png English: Steps of antigen-presenting cell activation. Kurdî: Li ser rûyê xaneyên diyaririna dijepeydaker...
lymphocyte activation pathway is triggered when a T cell encounters its cognate antigen, coupled to an MHC molecule, on the surface of an infected cell or a...
DescriptionT cell-dependent activation of B cells ku.png English: In T cell-dependent activation of B cells, the B cell recognizes and internalizes an antigen and...
DescriptionT cell activation ku.png Kurdishː Li ser rûyê hokarên nexweşiyê de dijepeydaker heye. Li ser rûyê lîmfexaneyên T jî proteînên wergir hene. Heke...
DescriptionActivation of a naïve (unactivated) cytotoxic T cell ku.png English: This figure illustrates the activation of a naïve (unactivated) cytotoxic T cell...
DescriptionActivation of a naïve (unactivated) helper T cell ku.png English: This illustration depicts the activation of a naïve (unactivated) helper T cell by...