English Portuguese Gravura de uma pintura de John Dalton Persian جان دالتون applies to jurisdiction: United States of America determination method or...
an extracted image: 1917 Pullman Motor Car Corporation ad from The Photo-Play Journal (May-Dec 1917) (IA photoplayjournal02lave) (page 60 crop).jpg....
Transgressor" 1917 ad with Louise Glaum by John Lynch and J. G. Hawks in Motion Picture News (Jul-Aug 1917) (IA motionpicturenew161unse) (page 176 crop).jpg...
John R Livingston - John Vanderlyn (page 109 crop).jpg...
This file has an extracted image: Mary Imlay Taylor (page 22 crop).jpg....
T. Hammond firework manufacturer ad - from, Post-Office Edinburgh and Leith Directory 1887-88 (page 1046 crop).jpg...
Ernest William Winkler 1899 (page 27 crop).jpg...
image: "HEBREW ACTORS' UNIONS' DISPUTE SETTLED" headline - The Billboard 1922-07-15- Vol 34 Iss 28 (IA sim billboard 1922-07-15 34 28) (page 5 crop).jpg....