DescriptionFrontal pole animation.gif English: Frontal pole. 日本語: 前頭極。 Date 13 February 2010 Source Polygon data are from BodyParts3D[1] Author Polygon...
DescriptionFrontal pole.gif English: Frontal pole. 日本語: 前頭極。 Date 12 February 2010 Source Polygon data are from BodyParts3D[1] Author Polygon data were...
DescriptionPoles of cerebral hemispheres animation.gif English: Poles of cerebral hemispheres. Frontal pole(sky blue). Temporal pole(green). Occipital pole(red)...
DescriptionPoles of cerebral hemispheres animation small.gif English: Poles of cerebral hemispheres. Frontal pole(sky blue). Temporal pole(green). Occipital...