refer to en.wikipedia. Illustration of Golden Eagle, by Louis Agassiz Fuertes, 1897. Scanned from 1907 edition of Citizen Bird. (Small version) Legend: (cur)... Jesus as Orpheus : Jesus as Orpheus from Roman catacomb...
472-Bottleschem.jpg is from section 472, depicts chemical/medicine bottles, and is the only illustration of that type of artifact. 473-Ceramics4.jpg is from section...
Alexander. July, large; yellow, flecked with red; very sweet. i/ Early Golden. Small; pale orange; juicy and sweet. Early in July. Budd. Profuse bearer;...
Plate III - Union flags and pendant, on page 63 of A. Macgeorge's 1881 Flags - Some Account of Their History and Uses.jpg...
The fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen (c1899) (page 118 crop).jpg...
from, Robert Wyer, Printer and Bookseller. A paper read before the Bibliographical Society, January 21st, 1895 (IA cu31924006061885) (page 1 crop).jpg...
identification of the birds of woodland, beach and ocean. With one hundred and twenty-four line illustrations (IA everybirdguideto00howe) (page 2 crop).jpg...
George N. Eckert.jpg...