qgis utilities Upu need this https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jura_165_ma_1.png and Scotetse paleodem from there Source of dem data is PaleoDEM Resource...
Franceschini; map by Theodore Verkruys 2 v. : 35 cm. (fol.) Vol. 1: [44], 90, [20], 91-464, [2] p., [1], LVIII leaves of plates; v. 2: [40], 553, [3] p., [1], LXXXXIII...
Dr. O. Seeliger. 1. Abt. Die Appendicularien und Ascidien. 1893-1911 (2 v.); 2. Abt., 1913 --4. Bd. Vermes, von H. Pagenstecher und M. Braun. Abt. I,...
Pharmacopoea Svecica/Pharmacopoea Danica. Sect. IV. Pharmacopoea Batava (2 parts). Sect. V. Pharmacopoea Rossica et Fennica/Pharmacopoea Polonica. Sect...
noblesse " label QS:Lnb,"Dictionnaire de la noblesse, 2e édition" Volume v. 2 Edition 2 Publisher Marie-Antoinette Duchesne Object type Legendäre Reisen im...
Amt. fuat corp. hum. (6) G. Fallop. Obferv. in Vefaltum, edit. L. B, Tom. 2. png. 813. fol. DE ALLANTOIDE HUMANA. 27 luce clarius eft, eum circa Allantoidis...