DescriptionNl-30'er.ogg Wikiwoordenboek audio Date 19 January 2021 Source Own work Author Marcel coenders...
The composer is Nie Er (1912–1935), hence the music is The lyricist is Tian Han (1898–1968), however, no lyrics appear in this recording. https://creativecommons...
Wikipedia Encyclopedisch (relevant) Neutraal standpunt Vrije inhoud (open source) Er is een gedragscode...
ßartöruf)e j^orbe; lief burd) SSürgertoel^r ® ogg anni aSice* er ft^— unb nam ben ba6 erfie 33a]^nl(|of — alö nnb ibtfmtft erecutioe 95«* Stufgebot...
Analysis" of the Association of Official AgriculturLil Chemists. Ho samplos of ogg powder arc clLcnically re-'• ^. ,«, ^-» ». jected on the modified methods... 19 december 2016 Wikimedia Nederland Programma l l l l l l 10:15 – 10:30 10:30 – 12:15 12:15 – 13:00 13:00 – 14:00 14:00 – 14:30 14:30...
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hoofdprijs geluid: Eric de Muziekbibliothecaris Hoofdprijs Foto De hoofdprijs voor foto gaat...
IlFriuliPeriodico1851-30 Source Internet Archive identifier: IlFriuliPeriodico1851-30
afschrikwekkende “begin” {{=nld=}} {{-pron-}} *{{sound}}: {{audio|nl-{{pn}}.ogg|{{pn}}|nld}} *{{WikiW|IPA}}: {{IPA|/bəˈχɪn/|nld}} {{-syll-}} *be·gin...