DescriptionLori Berd, Armenia, 2016-09-30, DD 63-65 HDR.jpg Español: Iglesia armenia en ruinas en el recinto de Lori Berd (Fuerte de Lori), un fuerte del...
Nazca a Palpa. Podle posledních výzkumů vznikaly v obddobí let 500 př.n.l. až 500 n.l. English: Aerial view of the "Monkey", one of the most popular geoglyphs...
10 Frans Hals and his workshop, 2023, A2.8 Dutch Painting, 65 (Dutch) https://www.wga...
the original. BY-SA 3.0 nlCreative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 nltruetrue English...
Description20100626 Ubbo Emmiussingel 65 Groningen NL.jpg English: House (1885) in the Dutch city of Groningen. Frysk: Hearehûs yn neo-renêssansistyske...
Description20130718 Oostersingel 65 Groningen NL.jpg English: House in the Dutch city of Groningen. Frysk: Eardere tsjinstwente fan it doetiidske Algemeen...
Description20110602 Zaagmuldersweg 65 (Pastorie Sint-Franciscuskerk) Groningen NL.jpg English: The rectory (1932-'33) of the Sint-Franciscuskerk in the...
Description20100521 Noorderhaven 65 Werfstraat 1 (Melkinrichting Stad en Lande) Groningen NL.jpg English: Former dairy (1909) in the Dutch city of Groningen...
the original. BY-SA 3.0 nlCreative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 nltruetrue English...
the original. BY-SA 3.0 nlCreative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 nltruetrue English...