DescriptionNl-Anne-Wil.ogg Dutch pronunciation for "Anne-Wil" — male voice. Date 22 August 2015 Source Own work Author marcel coenders...
e “anne ri s o e tei “dia dali nRiad Par na anno Li20. Nol regno, iano di giudei. ia a, «I ME LETI, th DRENITAI E: , Per gli,abbonemonti gd...
cui il DmseTO. cre SRI va-di un'aniimalato ifquale, inisoguito: «ghe [da ogg, Palela ArGAAA eta una cadita avev&da grigia accu:; {idiberia. det ciltadini...
rigpcodante fatti, i quat ebbero it foro epilogo negli aventi solenni che ogg! ricor SGNZA pur voler contraglara al &Cor- guatilo a Genova allo 17,20 Borga...
inadequate carrying capacity cf Asan River and its tributaries. The c1 ogged. narrow and meandert ng streams a verfl ow duri 119 heavy rai nfa11 and...
to t jurifdi&ion of the I)iRri& Court of Marylnd is infucient: TatRzogg gY IS CONIIDERED by the Supreme Court afefaid d ow finally decreed...
or—rr fnshlp company's rate, jg, LiXba gro«im •vniwimpnortçdJSOÎi* ïrïeiuL OggSRAL AOE.NTS. V.’-e&mSmSfr-iàni&Ê*m*mon? with intemfaL- ' FOR SALE—Incubator...
and 19 73. The last phase is scheduled for initiation in October 1981 and wil 1 roequire 4.5 million c1.1bic yard.i. of sand' to be pumped by hydraulic...
1). van- der PLAA'I beide te Leeuvvirden , prcfutecrtu publiek by Vcrh..ogg»lJ te Ver» I. Agt Poadematen GREIDLAND, gelegen in het < omjuaicr \'cld ...
haar Samarang * 'a:**Öi? wordt aangeboden met hot gemakkelijk inge-S-iÖggËrigt Nederlandsch barkschip Chrlstina Agatha, gevoerd door 11, de Visser...