DescriptionNl-nee-stem.ogg Dutch pronunciation for "nee-stem" — male voice. Date 17 March 2015 Source Own work Author marcel coenders...
DescriptionNl-nee-stemmers.ogg Dutch pronunciation for "nee-stemmers" — male voice. Date 1 May 2015 Source Own work Author marcel coenders...
eek eee <SUOl ea aURGS ¥ 3 z 3; Tears" i OGG S£ eae Pe tet teices ei hrecbe est stem epelans¢ he toate a. anne cake QFE he FO ‘68...
lives in stems of wheat, sucking the juices of the plant and causing a swelling in the stem. The egg from which it hatches is laid in the stem by an insect...
Dimaion OS = ee : Hama ene FR ... * - Tee Re %eeeee oes 5 sey = NEE _ ssAha ENN A S 3 < ee ee pee — 2 | . Ea neta Se ‘ 4 . —...
Mvhtta* «m!» red hï* men to ecu e .fir ne nt nl^1^4, p'»w*e yrijl'h «tjUMaitr. - • The .TtPieT ' in nee fBê dyram'fe proved London. A|>ril 13.—T-u - I>aVrr...
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that "\Yould by seen to go up in flames. Luke did not Licnl. Ilerbert ~I. Ogg, who in turn The sleeper wakes Ji-om lurid lethargy A11d, :n~telie·ring,...
in N. C. 375 “ to sinners Bethel flag soc. at Catuskill Catl-sliill 310 — ogg Lswer, which you will wish you had made, and w icrem we were p rc’igicn in...
Landdag «ft? heeft hervat, en dat i„ die Snkomst is besloten, om den generaa? stem» n^ 6" ee,a'sneeenhalve blijk & van erkentenis, eene eere S teVe"S cc" geschenk...