5 Resultaten gevonden voor "Bestand:Nl-zette_over.ogg".

Bestand:Nl-zette over.ogg

DescriptionNl-zette over.ogg Nederlands: Zette over. Date 27 November 2013 Source Own work Author Marcel coenders...

Bestand:Scientific American - Series 1 - Volume 004 - Issue 07.pdf

CIRCULATION 11,500. At li, lalia. PUBLIIHED WEEKLY. from getting cl ogged . From thi s descri ption it will at once be per. ceived that this is a...

Bestand:The Bombay Gazette, 26 July 1820 (IA dli.granth.24706).pdf

ard , the overpaying the R ead er £pr Uie support Son of:M r, j . R . H ogg,. Booki^eHer, aged 5 y ezrs and they receive ; and it m uW b e.h ighly gra­...

Bestand:The Bombay Gazette, 8 July 1835 (IA dli.granth.30095).pdf

• r PuhlUhtdTmicca iVeek-~0\ WHONRSDAV ANU SATURDAY MOflNlXG.^Price Rupees V olum e > ------------ --------- ♦ - t ^ N M o n d a y n e x t , t h...

Bestand:The Bombay Gazette, 23 June 1841 (IA dli.granth.18843).pdf

irc u la r to th e d is tr i c t.’' C.ieery, P ilo t V essel ; while off H ogg R iv e r P o in t. B ritis h com m unity in C h tiia, e x p re s sin g h...