Mathematica: Play[Sin[2 Pi t 300] Exp[-2 t], {t, 0, 3}, PlayRange->All] Export["c:\\temp\\qnm.wav", %, "WAV"]; then used GoldWave to convert to OGG English...
ria al'tseri rl i SC, re è eE vid cl cor sro he aiprio.spalcte fervore. 1 QNM i a Varie ie Vira SM premio lp sii veli de = arc ta Ca tt? Vivaiio dc di...
Leomiustro fuoiamt, pro vetustatc nimia so tacuisso dixonmt. Nos veto ea qnm supci’scripta sunt Ecclesim Radingito et ejus abbati conCmiamns.” Cliartcr...
ni(i)t 2lrbeit lauften backte, be^ ©ef:präd)e^ ent= ni(i)t. 33 ,;Qnm Teufel audy, jagte ,,^n l^aft %xan^ fdmeff ein. ©^u^ ber neuen ©lan^...
folgen i 1' — — 25 „Unter bet ^rafibeittfd^aft beö ®eitetal§ 11. Qnm em (Corona am trat ^rieg^getti^t in geheimer «Si^itng jufammen, tt)etc^e§...
autem' Rosenium secutus secundum ultimain consonantem disposui. Plerteque, qnm a n' et R. incipiunt radices, has dentales literas in certis casibus in cerebrales...
In the police court thl# morning and was «enteneed to six month y* imiiriaQnmMiL . - — in hi.* defence, said he had ar1. rived in the city a few daya %go...
"ac d pere AA E ed 1efe. Art o qo) ros 3 vet oe 2 wed zà'«ez AM. $22 Qnm TAA TEplietec: TN od 47 v.m e Auson es 4 9224 74. a Yvette. Dis...
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A bau ? ke £u. (quse bot9:lodi, i A e p. pe | e P ; 2 d is qnm are naf Mg beor r e eel Áe jo doo Iul ehe Cur a 4/48. v Ea) ug Dd ze...