DescriptionRiffian-speaking areas.png English: Own made map - Map of Riffian-speaking areas in northern Morocco, derived from File:Riffian Dialects in...
DescriptionRiffian Language Map.PNG English: Map of Riffian-speaking areas in northern Morocco, derived from File:Carte des tribus du Rif.PNG - Own made...
several months ago. had «♦ prier* N h Sent 17 flnnraa that Abl-el-Krim. the Riffian ! placed Jesus C’hrlst and Uharles Kyte, chief Liberal whip leader. Is...
conclusion that the pedestrians in the vast majority of the accidents Came From Riffians were themselves to blame. The number of river accidents on Being Remodelled...
territories where Eastern Middle Atlas Berber is spoken. Spanish Mapa de las áreas donde se hablan las lenguas zenati del Atlas medio oriental. URL: https://commons...
PNG English: Map of Eastern Morocco Zenati speaking areas (and ethnic groups), adapted from File:Carthe ethnolinguistique - Nord et Est du Maroc.PNG -...
Spanish position of Segangan the day he, together with other prominent Riffians, attended in order to discuss their surrender to the Spanish and therefore...