DescriptionSTZ 62.JPG Nederlands: Schutte Tours Zwolle stadsbus 62, Van Hool / Volvo B10R-55 te Zwolle. Source Own work Author Spoorjan...
/ U-r3,yr*Mm~ ' 0 0 ' . I /*zr 0^^ ±&&e£ -^Z^c^ZZ /t£Z. cs^ce STZ^ ^ /Wi%&J>. *& C^o^. tf/, y , sm fycZZ*. ^z^uzS /L^/.#^ /jjy AZ&~3'/Lzi...
Pg.» C Nt time 'A/u> fa # dir. hgt species oyj. lfi?2- o-t-Qj2 ■0 STZ 0(?o 5 remarks e / 'Pr-rr(0/y ?> PoA^ ~ PJAA*p? ^ PgX^-ej) /),aju^...
Health and Medicine, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, if used. Individual jpg scans of the pages are available from the museum. Source Internet Archive...
legally permitted uses”, no changes to the actual work are permitted under § 62 of the German copyright law (UrhG). See Commons:Copyright rules by territory/Germany#Freedom...
BMScur=vec2Cur(dataBMS,"BMname") #dataStereo=importcurve("H:\MyDocs\sphere\stZ.csv") #stereoCur=vec2Cur(dataStereo,"SterName") cir=circle(r=0.01) glass=sphGlass()...