English The Pot of Incense...
English Pot of Incense...
English Incense Ash-Pot - Japan (MET, 81.1.184)...
English Incense Ash-Pot - Japan (MET, 81.1.184)...
English Incense Ash-Pot - Japan (MET, 81.1.184)...
English Incense Ash-Pot - Japan (MET, 81.1.184)...
English Incense Ash-Pot - Japan (MET, 81.1.184)...
English Incense Ash-Pot - Japan (MET, 81.1.184)...
English Incense Ash-Pot, Japan, bottom (MET, 81.1.184)...
English Incense Ash-Pot, Japan, bottom (MET, 81.1.184)...