6 Resultaten gevonden voor "Bestand:Tubifex_profundicola".

Bestand:Tubifex profundicola? (YPM IZ 046230).jpeg

Limnodrilus profundicola (Verrill, 1871)...

Bestand:Revue suisse de zoologie (IA revuesuissed100121993schw).pdf

moldaviensis and Limnodrilus profundicola strongly decreased with depth. Secondly, Potamothrix hammoniensis and Tubifex tubifex, species typical of eutrophic...

Bestand:Preliminary report on the dredging in Lake Superior (IA preliminaryrepor00smit).pdf

the Slate Islands toward Stannard Eock, fourth haul, 159 fathoms. Tubifex profundicola Verrill, sp. nov. A rather stout species for the genus, about 1 to...

Bestand:Biological survey of the St. Mary's River (IA BIOLOGICALSURVEY00VEAL10239.ome).pdf

76 77 78 :. x anus hnffmeisteri profundicola anus 23955 ml:bsfex iqpotus ks9s1 en 493 etons tal tubifex tified) 36563 650 19 10 59 118...

Bestand:Final environmental statement- Black Rock Channel and Tonawanda Harbor, New York, (operation and maintenance) - USACE-p16021coll7-18174.pdf

claparedeianus Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri Limnodrilus profundicola Limnodrilus udekemianus Tubifex tubifex Unidentified immature worms without capilliform setae...

Bestand:Report on the biological survey of Hamilton Bay and adjacent Lake Ontario, 1964-1965 (IA REPORTONTHEBIOLO00JOHN10041.ome).pdf

hoffrneisteri* t. t. La. stellatus* — flapararedianust profundicola* 2. tubifex* V. Terox* L. Tubifex Peloscolex Euilyodrilus Stylodrilüs * found in Hamilton...