Twenty-Five True Tales Of Adventure (1908) ( ) Title Twenty-Five True Tales Of Adventure (1908) Description Twenty-Five True Tales Of Adventure. (London:...
True tales of the plains ( ) Author Buffalo Bill, 1846-1917 Title True tales of the plains Publisher New York, Cupples & Leon Description Subjects:...
Adventure v002 n05 [1911-09] ( ) Title Adventure v002 n05 [1911-09] Description Adventure [v2 #5, September 1911] ed. [Trumbull White] (The Ridgway...
Tales from Sacchetti; ( ) Author Sacchetti, Franco, ca. 1330-ca. 1400 Steegmann, Mary G Title Tales from Sacchetti; Publisher London : J. M. Dent &...
PD-1923Public domain in the United States//
The novels and tales of Henry James ( ) Author James, Henry, 1843-1916 Lubbock, Percy, 1879- Title The novels and tales of Henry James Volume 18 Publisher...
The novels and tales of Henry James ( ) Author James, Henry, 1843-1916 Lubbock, Percy, 1879- Title The novels and tales of Henry James Volume 13 Publisher...
Voyages of Adventure and Discovery Publisher Charles Scribner's Sons Description Published in 1908 under title: English Voyages of Adventure and Discovery...
Tales of a wayside inn ( ) Author Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 1807-1882 Castleman, J. H. (Josiah Hamilton), b. 1873, ed Title Tales of a wayside inn...
heroes in Asia; true stories of the intrepid bravery and stirring adventures of missionaries with uncivilized man, wild beasts and the forces of nature (...