10 Resultaten gevonden voor "Bestand:nl-639.ogg".


DescriptionNl-639.ogg Dutch pronunciation for "639" — male voice. Date 13 August 2015 Source Own work Author marcel coenders...


ArdClose's pronunciation of “Dutch” (iso 639: nl) in general American English. /ˈdʌʧ/ English...

Bestand:Wikiwoordenboek lezing 4-11-2017.pdf

afschrikwekkende “begin” {{=nld=}} {{-pron-}} *{{sound}}: {{audio|nl-{{pn}}.ogg|{{pn}}|nld}} *{{WikiW|IPA}}: {{IPA|/bəˈχɪn/|nld}} {{-syll-}} *be·gin...

Bestand:Deutsche geschichte vom tode Friedrichs des Grossen bis zur gründung des Deutschen Bundes (IA bub gb xxDuuBRC-mcC).pdf

auögebeuteten, toirb, geboten tüie ic^ aCfmätig toarb, jn Umfang bag ^nl^att bie ©ad^fnnbigen überzeugen, bie genauere Berlin ®er borüegenbe ®anb...

Bestand:Proceedings of the American Federation of Labor 1935- Index (IA sim american-federation-of-labor-proceedings 1935 index).pdf

.. cceveseerdeeees esses seseersesbssase 22, 132, 207, NOE. CHEF) SUTIN OGG bic. 0 slo ew cid cde Howie co swled ec cic cde habe ebaw'y 363, Oe Coopers...

Bestand:St. Nicholas, vol. 45.2 (1918).djvu

ecal a uC hetoilatanatatay oaeetuahe aon Me Telee epee els ZA l VAN; ie OGG REI BC EERO CULT CACO OCT ES OO OSD DN DR SO Te a Seedo LIOR oiota ord cr...

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M 597 5983270320(965847' 598 598 857627319,65 764 598 2672 9121402 7327 ogg (24 7991 9i7']-^^^ 2008 053(123 33044731401 669-3 527 (23 8610 5091401 1389...

Bestand:Annual Report - Irrigation Study Basin (IA ableg 33398004599675).pdf

Dias etre a". " og Si. git a ingles’ ogg acis pad, tas at a ‘ 02) af . . 2i * 3510 nl 918 cosqpy at, eeape wie fr uDSeic¢ » wet...

Bestand:Selected cases on the law of sales of personal property. Arranged to accompany Burdick's Law of Sales (IA cu31924018854301).pdf

Morley v. . Attenborough 171 334 ... 91 ... ....... .... O'Connor's Ogg V. Shuter Oliver v. Hunting . . v. v. . . . . . . . . . . ...