10 Resultaten gevonden voor "Bestand:nl-664.ogg".


DescriptionNl-664.ogg Dutch pronunciation for "664" — male voice. Date 13 August 2015 Source Own work Author marcel coenders...

Bestand:King and hermit; a colloquy between King Guaire of Aidne and his brother Marban; being an Irish poem of the tenth century (IA kinghermitcolloq00londrich).pdf

oga a clutch of eggs, 20. coraéis líni óenchirce d'ugaib, Cog. G. 48, 19. \ogg, 21. f. a vessel. line f. long lubar a collective of lub herb. n. =...

Bestand:Proceedings of the American Federation of Labor 1935- Index (IA sim american-federation-of-labor-proceedings 1935 index).pdf

.. cceveseerdeeees esses seseersesbssase 22, 132, 207, NOE. CHEF) SUTIN OGG bic. 0 slo ew cid cde Howie co swled ec cic cde habe ebaw'y 363, Oe Coopers...

Bestand:Deutsche geschichte vom tode Friedrichs des Grossen bis zur gründung des Deutschen Bundes (IA bub gb xxDuuBRC-mcC).pdf

auögebeuteten, toirb, geboten tüie ic^ aCfmätig toarb, jn Umfang bag ^nl^att bie ©ad^fnnbigen überzeugen, bie genauere Berlin ®er borüegenbe ®anb...

Bestand:Thesaurus logarithmorum completus. Vollständige Sammlung grösserer logarithmisch-trigonometrischer Tafeln (IA b2135702x 002).pdf

M 597 5983270320(965847' 598 598 857627319,65 764 598 2672 9121402 7327 ogg (24 7991 9i7']-^^^ 2008 053(123 33044731401 669-3 527 (23 8610 5091401 1389...

Bestand:Statement of appropriations and expenditures, civil and miscellaneous, of the Department of state, from March 4, 1789, to June 30, 1876 (IA cu31924030472041).pdf

COCOCOCOffOCOCOCOCOCO ; {uaatre jo ^aaoray * io m io u3 o io 0>~of 04 C4~ "te •noi^ogg CO l>. 3i CJ: r-< iM GO CO ID TT iD CO CD i> O •9^13,1 s * ...

Bestand:Public accounts of the North-West Territories (IA ableg 33398004570460 1).pdf

ape ie ae,<8 goUuddI'T Vo! Sue fo fwlisates 066G&GOE066 00 OT 00 066 00 OGG 00 Ba 00 0G6 00 1&6 09 0g 00 00 00 ST. 00 6& 00 00 00 00 00 ‘CIONILNOO—SLdIQOdY...

Bestand:Revue des sciences médicales en France et à l'étranger. Volume 1, 1873. (IA s4049id1338133).pdf

optiques, Mandelstamm et Schœ«ler, p. 380. — Ophthalmoscope monstration, ogg, p. 380. — de déNumé- rotage des verres de lunette, Monoyer, p. 380. —...

Bestand:Il Cittadino Italiano n 38-1889 (IA CittadinoItaliano1891-2866).pdf

SiuiD. Giecio è caduto bens. sono i Codici sonardelliani; tanto quello :84 Ogg) per ingannare il prese, riero- (raffinati, sonan impucci di verana | sore...

Bestand:Select list of books (with references to periodicals) relating to the Far east (IA selectlistofb00libr).pdf

Asia. Questionii diplomntiquea 1903. 1902): 201-217. Frederic Austin Ogg. Russia's quest of the Pacific. Choutauquan, vol. 36 (Jan., 1903): 358-369...