8 Resultaten gevonden voor "Bestand:nl-IBM-computers.ogg".


DescriptionNl-IBM-computers.ogg Wikiwoordenboek audio Date 3 July 2017 Source Own work Author Marcel coenders...


DescriptionNl-IBM-computer.ogg Wikiwoordenboek audio Date 3 July 2017 Source Own work Author Marcel coenders...

Bestand:Videowikipedia v1.pdf

the favored format for video contributions to the Wikimedia Commons is Ogg Theora. Theora is the most widely distributed open codec, but critics note...

Bestand:A gamma ray moments computer code, GAMM0M-I (IA gammaraymomentsc766eise).pdf

moments computer code, GAMM0M-I   (  ) Author Eisenhauer, Charles; Simmons, George L.; Spencer, Lewis V. Title A gamma ray moments computer code, GAMM0M-I...

Bestand:Wieland - Oberon, 1910?.djvu

This file is in DjVu, a computer file format designed primarily to store scanned documents. You may view this DjVu file here online. If the document is...

Bestand:Data compression (IA datacompression5001aron).pdf

to r*-, r^i rj r o to oj . 'n; r-i ^— r) ' o cj fN — " ——oggOgggggg ppoppppppppppppppppi bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbboo C? rs) — » to...

Bestand:Secure distributed file systems (IA securedistribute1094530928).pdf

DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY NAVf>J.. POSTGRADUATE SCHOOl MONTEREY CA 9394,.5101 15 Nl.D.1BER OF PAGES 118 Approved for public release; disnibution is unlimited...


This file is in DjVu, a computer file format designed primarily to store scanned documents. You may view this DjVu file here online. If the document is...