DescriptionNl-auw.ogg Dutch pronunciation Date 26 October 2013 Source Own work Author Marcel Coenders...
upon the part of the pow«w* mn»*t cease so soon a* war is «leclaroi. ".«x-auw' otherwise it would hear th»- character • of a pro-Turkish Interventlnei...
ini ihistero i propori tè l'inchiesta” ‘Rerdavia! bale ch la osa, giacchè, auw dopati Ngus,, né apud pit clRb lesione tei Alitalinat e l'alci. A, ll'asditizio...
werben, l^ocf* im Diücfen ^abcn 3^r fec^dje^nted 3al)r juiüdgelcgt, e6 auw mit 5D?utter bunfelbfonbe JJocfen* fiA biö auf weisen KIcibc SBun*...
isch e n, b is e r sich aufge l östh at.W e nn d as Z uck e rw asse r l auw arm w ird , ge b e n w ir Ne utral se ife und Tape te nk l e iste r d az...
CS*S aA*0 fQlft (g* >S«-3*^A§°oa-5 ~~a'^«g2^g'‘^ 2^9?^? e* s -. ogg-s^ ^ogg'S=„- S *1 "O fX, 0.0 ^ Sil^SP.-o 5 g SalJSug “?2«^2 OErS"'!->s o« ...
generally ran for Pasengers, and will sail for Lon ges, a t 7 R s per m auW and at the price of £ 3 0 T o n in the English m arket (Svbich o ur in ...