DescriptionNl-micro-organismes.ogg Dutch pronunciation Date 12-11-2013 Source Own work Author Marcel coenders...
jn'osencc of a specific Unlike the micro-organism [hacillus or micrococcus). prf)ducts of putrefaction those micro-organisms multiply and thrive in the living...
(solanum section solanum) in North America ( ) Author Rogers, Brant S Ogg, Alex G United States. Science and Education Administration. Agricultural...
suppose that a wound has been sustained, and that certain germs or micro-organisms have been introduced thereto. These germs, finding themselves in a...
in channel capacity in the ncrease i n a be also would There snow. c l ogging ef fect of drif ting amount oi r iparian habit at a s a r es ul t of th...
almost WHEEI.WRIGHT M A C H I N E-C . II G uar d . (assignor to J . A . S cr oggs and C. II. Guard . ) of B row n s ville , N . Y. : I imperceptible to the...