DescriptionNl-winding.ogg Dutch pronunciation for "winding" — male voice. Date 13 August 2015 Source Own work Author marcel coenders...
Ogg. my country, far, far from my true Savourneen delish, Eileen Ogg. All my pay and my booty I lioarded for you love, Savourneen delish, Eileen Ogg...
mey Who, witn sad neans,oi friends and • • • country uniir took. • j nl^fiarewelllWlo^ nnd nallowed dround m wnch trior • kiliers lav Wordsworfli...
plant. The amount ~xpended by the United States during the year "·as $1,03G,OGG.42, of which $!)01,V2!).5,'5 was for new "·ol'k (north jetty) and $13-1,136...
the financial MAKING IT HOT FOR HIM. called upon Mayor Hall. His Worship |ogg tha, wen, down haVe been recapprovision made by the House of Com denied...
of Andrew Jackson : a chronicle of the frontier in politics ( ) Author Ogg, Frederic Austin, 1878-1951 Title The reign of Andrew Jackson : a chronicle...
JfRKELEY IBRARY NIV».irT OF CAUF>tNlA T' 9 C^ - /-" /^/3. •-! /£.a<M.«>>^ J»^ f^tr-f (KcJlny^.r^^) FRANKINCENSE AND MYRRH, SELECTIONS FROM...
Sliglitly enlarged. Fio. Xi. I'IIMIIIIK puncture (Ii'ft) nnil phiggi'd ogg onvlty (rlghi) of tin- npplo currnlto. Enlarged, Fiu. 35.—Larvœ of lhi>...
which required the maintenance of n set tcnporature in the plone. Fron these oggs grew Guon's chicken population. Thore ~os a lso a sp~cial trip carrying hoy...
when It Is likely that Wm. Hanson After meeting Captain Scott In the JOHN IlOGG. The statement Issued by th$ miners "One thing Is certain." said Prof. blockade...