DescriptionNl-yankees.ogg Nederlands: Yankees. Date 26 November 2013 Source Own work Author Marcel coenders...
DescriptionNl-yankee.ogg Nederlands: Yankee. Date 26 November 2013 Source Own work Author Marcel coenders...
DescriptionNl-yankee-Engels.ogg Dutch pronunciation for "yankee-Engels" — male voice. Date 23 August 2015 Source Own work Author marcel coenders...
fortifications. Are the Yankees about to storm our lines that you are in such a devil of a hurry ? " '' I don't care anything about the Yankees," Major Baron replied...
haar Samarang * 'a:**Öi? wordt aangeboden met hot gemakkelijk inge-S-iÖggËrigt Nederlandsch barkschip Chrlstina Agatha, gevoerd door 11, de Visser...
Mrs. R. R 57 154 Everett, Lloyd T Thomas R Faulkner, I'^leming, R. 1-ogg. D. F I'oIU. Dr. 10 W 10. Ijamar l-'ontaine. Fordyce, Ma.i. S. ...
Everett, Lloyd T 154 Faulkner, Thomas R 90 I'^leming, R. F 323 1-ogg. D. W 3US I'oIU. Dr. 10. 10 375 l-'ontaine. Ijamar 21 Fordyce, Ma.i...
Profornia overland nU.o lie an eternal doll hunger which fessor Frederic A. Ogg's new book, ents the letters that these same post- with ox teams, the future...
almost WHEEI.WRIGHT M A C H I N E-C . II G uar d . (assignor to J . A . S cr oggs and C. II. Guard . ) of B row n s ville , N . Y. : I imperceptible to the...
wish to i*ear a learned pig. put him up to fat, intellectually, upon H ogg’s Instructor. H int on Dress. — Don’t carry your handkerchief in your breast-pocket...