See [[User:Conrad.Irwin/creation.js/documentation]] for information. * * Entry creation rules per language are located at [[User:Conrad.Irwin/creationrules...
//JsMwApi documentation is at //Basic usage for the impatient: JsMwApi()({action:'query',prop:'meta'}...
done by JsMwApi which has its own extensive documentation at User_talk:Conrad.Irwin/Api.js. I will not repeat that here, except to point out that var api...
//<br /> //<nowiki>This prevents the parser from processing the file and generating transclusions and categories for it. /* * Language-specific entry...
//JsMwApi documentation is at (function() { function JsMwApi (api_url, request_type) { if...
* which is itself an adaptation of the English version * [[en:User:Conrad.Irwin/editor.js]] * * Author : [[sv:User:Skalman]] * Adaptation :...
//JsMwApi documentation is at function JsMwApi (api_url, request_type) { if (!api_url)...
Sleutel Wikipedia Abbott Archeoloog, Natuuronderzoeker, (1843-1919) Charles Conrad Abbott Abbott Malacoloog, (1919-1995) R. Tucker Abbott Abbott Natuuronderzoeker...