DescriptionAlberta-roads-41.png Map of en:Alberta provincial highway 41 Date 21 June 2006 (original upload date) Source No machine-readable source provided...
Dec 2011|location=Alberta|source=Drawn by me based on public domain maps [http:// (Import from 2012-03-24 05:41 (WT-shared) Joelf[dead...
of 3ht, point* m Krenirli graphy, "Feld Marschall von Hin1 Concluded on png* 2) Belyta. funnel* Collector of Inland francs to 5.17 cent* and a rear denhunc...
looks like this: SOURCEIMAGE = 'city.png'. If you've made an image of your own, you'll want to change city.png to whatever the name of your file is....
nd land ^aeèkersV They "are dispersing"'W'STT parts of Saskatchewan and Alberta, and are of- a good class. A number of steam ploughing outfits pass in...
Trade Stenting: , one of thetr own; called the Alberta reported aud the report adopted. driving roads through the land and most severe «utperlehced •...
Robert H. Ferguson. Walter J. Fletcher, L MURDER MYSTERY FOR SOLUTION BY ALBERTA POLICE Royal—The Woman Gives. Pant ages—Dandy Dick. Dominion—The Heart...
before Christmas, under conditions wreckage 41 miles southwest of Cape Ko 2, which left Conneaut, Ohio, on . Alberta, .will assemble to do honor to satisfactor...
unappointment of * parole officer and to eat only one shift of men have been df png qf the pioneer women worhere, In nery and ruehed Into tins adjacent bwh....
Associai*”* Ureas. cause of the âcceealbâUty of lu hat-i Melbourne (Ceneleded on pngs 4.) tion. also reports a violent tremor. FOORTEENAT MOSCOW GIVEN DEATH SENTENCES...