DescriptionAnamorphose cinemascope.svg English: Cinemascope: the image is "compressed" in its width on the film, then expanded by a Hypergonar at the projection...
This image is a derivative work of the following images: File:Anamorphose_cinemascope_DE.svg licensed with Cc-by-sa-2.5, GFDL 2008-04-06T09:39:13Z Werneuchen...
DescriptionAnamorphose cinemascope DE.svg English: Cinemascope: the image is "compressed" in its width on the film, then expanded by a Hypergonar at the...
DescriptionAnamorphose cinemascope desert meme sens.jpeg English: Comparison between the "normal" picture and the anamorphic picture on a 35 mm film (Cinemascope)...
DescriptionAnamorphose cinemascope desert sens defilement.jpeg English: Comparison between the "normal" picture and the anamorphic picture on a 35 mm...
Description35mm format 235 scope.svg English: 35 mm movie film, picture in 2.35:1 anamorphosed format (Cinemascope with optical sound); scale: 10 px =...
la fenêtre de projection. Dans le cas du format 2.35:1 (Cinémascope), on utilise une anamorphose (la largeur est doublée par rapport à la hauteur). Date...