English Entrance, Administration Building, Anderson College, Anderson, South Carolina...
M. Richard Rose portrait, RIT NandE SE 1978 Sep19 Complete.jpg...
Annual register (IA annualregister193940univ) (page 6 crop).jpg...
This file has an extracted image: Ask Dr. Goff, State 1990-03- Iss 331 (IA sim state-magazine 1990-03 331) (page 20 crop).jpg....
"Room numbers of departments and points of interest" map - from, Catalog ... (IA catalog196364univ) (page 174 crop).jpg...
This file has an extracted image: Hands Across RIT, RIT NandE Vol17Num18 1986 May22 Complete.jpg....
has an extracted image: Philip C. Wilcox - State September-October 1994- Iss 381 (IA sim state-magazine september-october-1994 381) (page 10 crop).jpg....
tion building at -7 o’clock, i Naturalization, course at 8 i o’clock in the same room. Commercial English: 'Room 20 of Administration building at 7 I...
This file has an extracted image: David T. Kearns, RIT NandE Vol15Num6 1983 Sep15 Complete.jpg....