DescriptionInfraorbital margin.PNG Infraorbital_margin Date 31 October 2007 Source Image:Gray190.png Author User:Mikael Häggström...
cubs.png Forepaws of Homotherium latidens and Panthera leo cubs (cropped).png Homotherium and lion cub skulls.png Homotherium cub skull (cropped).png...
premaxilla for a branch innervating the ventral margin of the upper jaw; SupLab, supralabial ramus of the infraorbital nerve; SptMxC, Septomaxillary canal. Date...
premolar 7:Lower margin of the infraorbital foramen 8:Intralveolar margin of the premaxillary-maxillary suture 9:Distal alveolar margin of the lateral most...