120×120× (11506 bytes) modifica di 120px-Nuvola_apps_kdict.png Image from the Nuvola icon theme for KDE 3.x by David Vignoni Source: http://www.icon-king...
|Description={{Nuvola}} |Source=*[[:File:Nuvola_apps_kdict.png|]] |Date=2010-11-24 14:12 (UTC) |Author=*[[:File:Nuvola_apps_kdict.png|]]: [[:en:user:David_Vignoni|]]...
images: File:Nuvola apps kdict.png licensed with LGPL 2005-09-08T16:47:03Z Alphax 128x128 (13324 Bytes) Image from the Nuvola icon theme for KDE 3.x by David...
File:Icono_aviso_borrar.svg Nuvola apps edu languages.svg, David Vignoni / Icon King; Stannered, GNU LGPL 3, File:Nuvola_apps_edu_languages.svg Justice...