DescriptionVenezuela Oil Reserves.png English: A plot of the reported proven oil reserves for Venezuela and Saudi Arabia. In January 2011, Venezuela claimed...
DescriptionVenezuela Oil Reserves-ar.png العربية: رسمٌ بياني يُبيِّن احتياطيات النفط المُؤكدة في ڤنزويلا وفي السُعُوديَّة. خِلال شهر كانون الثاني (يناير)...
adjusted for inflation. Clicking the picture above will enable you to access oil prices in real terms that are adjusted for inflation. Historical a English...
wuat the goveri ment purpose* In connection with ra'lway reserves and what the railway reserves were, re ferred to In the Hon. Chief Vomciissluuer's answer...
follows : seems to be set in cement against the Parrot’s reserves. I do not know what reserves the Parrot Company has; but I do know that the ore NEN chao...
representing six nnliyrslties, auditor-genera I refused payment on the ern. the png:H*t, who Injured hi* should I The Mln’wter of Finance «Icnvsl that have...
with Iraq. OPEC oil production cuts, unrest in Venezuela, and rising tension in the Middle East contribute to a significant increase in oil prices between...
DescriptionCountryMegaprojectContributions.png World oil reserves before the increase from Venezuela Date 19 November 2008 (original upload date) Source...
"BP oil spill: Tony Hayward to attempt to spread blame for disaster". The Telegraph. Retrieved on 2012-12-31. Kirkup, James (2010-06-10). "BP oil spill:...
Securities holdings by China, Japan, the United Kingdom, oil exporting countries (Ecuador, Venezuela, Indonesia, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar...