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gender-free gesucht. In DICTIOUS findest du nicht nur alle Wörterbuchbedeutungen des Wortes
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Alternative Schreibweisen:
- genderfree
- gen·der-free, Komparativ: more gen·der-free, Superlativ: most gen·der-free
- IPA:
- Hörbeispiele: —
- von Menschen, keine Steigerung: ohne Gender; sich als weder männlich noch weiblich verstehend; weder eine männlich noch eine weibliche noch eine andere Geschlechtsidentität habend; genderfrei
- von Spielzeugen, Optionen usw.: für Menschen jeglicher Geschlechtsidentität geeignet; geschlechtsneutral
- von einer Gesellschaft: kein Gewicht auf Gender legend; in der das Gender eines Menschen nicht wichtig oder von Bedeutung ist
- von Wörtern: korrekterweise von beiden Geschlechtern verwendet/verwendbar; geschlechtsneutral
- genderless, agender, agendered
- gender-neutral
- genderless
- gender-neutral
Sinnverwandte Wörter:
- genderqueer
- gendered, gender-specific
- When we rendezvous shortly thereafter, I learn that the box office is being manned, if that's the right word, by an odd-looking grizzled entity unknown to my wife but whom I infer from her description (and soon after confirm) to be the genderfree or ambigendered "Ditsy" from Maintenance.[1]
- Individuals holding these views challenge the existing Western binary and categorical sex-gender system, increasingly identifying as bigender, gender blender, or gender-free.[2]
- I began thinking of myself as a gender-free person.[3]
- He got the idea of transforming the traditional sashiko — quilted-cotton worker's pants and jacket fabric — into a modern leisure fabric, a homegrown equivalent of denim, which became another early source of gender-free clothing.[4]
- Sometime in the early Seventies, gender-free toys were briefly a popular idea. So at Christmas on the California beach in 1972, we downplayed the dolls with frilly dresses and loaded up Santa's sack with toy trucks and earth movers for our three daughters.[5]
- Well, liberation has made retirement a gender-free option, and we are facing not only the notion of fixing lunch every day, but also of eating it alone. Which is a large part of the problem.[6]
- Gender-free toys. Let children of either sex play with the dolls, houses, tea sets, blocks, trucks, and fireman's hats however they choose. Your little girl may grow up to be an engineer or an anthropologist, and your little boy may become the most exquisite chef.[7]
- So once the notion of a gender-free society is clarified, there should be widespread agreement…[8]
- Many argue that we must build a gender-free world, that is, a world in which society does not define and organize all people on the basis of gender categories.[9]
- The underlying argument is that if gender relations were altered at the level of social structure (ie, in the social institutions of the family, workplace, state policies, the courts, and media), a more gender-free world would eventually lead to gender-free parenting.[10]
- Do you think a child raised in a relatively gender-free environment will develop differently from other children?[11]
- Japanese reformers speak of ‘gender-free’ situations as the goal of reform. A gender-free society remains a useful conceptual benchmark for thinking about change.[12]
- The term ‘engineer’ is apparently a gender-free term - there is no single word meaning ‘female engineer’ - but it seems to contain an invisible male marking. ‘Nurse’ works in the opposite way.[13]
- In the German, Buber often used the term Mensch, a gender-free term, which is best translated as person or human being. In contrast, the term Mann does refer to a male person.[14]
- During the same decades in which feminist critiques of generic uses of “man” and “he” led to widespread changes in usage — no mean feat — "you guys” became even more widely accepted as an informal and allegedly gender-free phrase.[15]
- Tabyi-daw, Hiroko Kawanami observes, is a gender-free term of self-address used when speaking to monks.[16]
- dict.cc Englisch-Deutsch, Stichwort: „gender-free“
- LEO Englisch-Deutsch, Stichwort: „gender-free“
- ↑ John Barth, Coming Soon!!!: A Narrative (2002), Seite 294
- ↑ Sara Schwarzbaum, Anita Jones Thomas, Dimensions of multicultural counseling: a life story approach (2008), Seite 369
- ↑ Genny Beemyn, Susan Rankin, The Lives of Transgender People (2011)
- ↑ The Connoisseur, 218. Band, 912.-915. Ausgaben (1988), Seite 108
- ↑ Tom Brokaw, Boom! (2007), Seite 482
- ↑ Gail Rentsch, Lynn Sherr, Smart women don't retire — they break free (2008)
- ↑ Ellen Bowers, The Everything Guide to Raising a Toddler (2011), Seite 39
- ↑ Karen Warren, Duane L. Cady, Bringing peace home: feminism, violence, and nature (1996), Seite 215:
- ↑ D. Stanley Eitzen, Maxine Baca Zinn, In conflict and order: understanding society (2004), Seite 325
- ↑ Andrea Doucet, Do men mother?: fathering, care, and domestic responsibility (2006), Seite 23
- ↑ Spencer A. Rathus, Childhood and Adolescence: Voyages in Development (2007), Seite 257
- ↑ Raewyn Connell, Gender (2009), Seite 89
- ↑ Alison Ross, Jen Greatrex, A2 English language and literature for AQA B (2001), Seite 130
- ↑ James William Walters, Martin Buber & feminist ethics: the priority of the personal (2003), Seite 111
- ↑ Lisa Miya-Jervis, Andi Zeisler, BITCHfest: ten years of cultural criticism from the pages of Bitch magazine (2006), Seite 77
- ↑ Ingrid Jordt, Burma's mass lay meditation movement (2007), Seite 160