From jó (“good”) + -ból (“of”, case suffix) + is (“even”) + megárt (“to be harmful”) + a (“the”) + sok (“much”), literally: “even too much of a good thing can be harmful”.
Pros: Compared to no etymology section at all, users don't have to make multiple clicks using the headline to find out what the elements mean.
Cons: Extra work for the editor. Too much detail, muddy appearance. The literal meaning is hiding at the end.
Literally, “the large amount is harmful even out of a good thing”.
From jóból (out of good thing) + is (even) + megárt (is harmful) + a sok (the large amount).
Pros: The literal meaning is the first line. The literal translation is closer to the original. The Hungarian elements are bolded. Less detail is provided by not separating suffixes. Cleaner appearance due to using posN instead of tN which omits the quotation marks.
Cons: Extra work for the editor.
jóból | is | megárt | a | sok |
good-ELA | even | be.harmful-IND-PRES-3-SG | the | much |
"the much is harmful even out of a good " |
Pros: Clean presentation.
Cons: Extra work for the editor. Learners may not be familiar with this style normally used by linguists. The tooltips do provide explanations and work fine on computers with a mouse but I don't know how to make them work on a mobile device with a touch screen.
Literally, “the large amount is harmful even out of a good thing”: jóból is megárt a sok
Pros: Short and clean.
Cons: Extra work for the editor. Tooltips issue for mobile devices. It is not immediately clear why the phrase is repeated (even though the individual words are underlined). It might be hard for a learner to put the phrase together because the translations are not visible at the same time.
Literally, “the large amount is harmful even out of a good thing”.
Pros: Phrase not repeated in the Etymology. Comments in the same place where you'd follow the links.
Cons: People might still not notice the comments. There may be other reasons why this isn't commonly done.
Literally, “the large amount is harmful even out of a good thing”.
Pros and cons: same as above, except (as a pro) it's easier to code